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Everything posted by mainebuck

  1. Re: I DID IT!!! congrats to you. you'll love it.
  2. Re: BOHNING KILLER VANES I want to pick up some killer vanes. heard they are very tough and good for shooting with a whisker biskit.
  3. Re: New trailcam pics Not sure, but think he may have something called "lumpy jaw" which I was reading about. Some sort of abcess/infection.
  4. Re: trail cameras stealthcam is $50 at Wal Mart.
  5. mainebuck

    start of season

    Re: start of season 32 to go for me.
  6. Re: everyones an expert darrin, was that just a personal vent or do you truly believe that kind of introduction is going to change something? My response: If you don't like certain videos - don't watch If you don't like 30+ yard shots - don't take them If someone refer's to a whitetail's headgear as "horns" rather than antlers is that really the end of the world? As to the age of a deer, like someone else said you hunt in an area long enough you can tell what a typical deer for your area would show for characteristics for a certain age. For instance, most 1.5 year old bucks up this way aren't 6 - 8 points like in some areas of the midwest. Careful that soap box doesn't get kicked out from under you man.
  7. Re: ZZ Top Concert - Pics sounds like a good fair to have that many good bands. love those fuzzy guitars. I've seen ZZ Top twice. They definitely put on a good show.
  8. Re: some more picts.....8/4 that's a beauty
  9. This is my best buck to date on a trailcam. I've got a treestand hung about 20 yards beyond him. doe in the same area: These are from a couple weeks ago in a different spot. 3 pointer: doe:
  10. mainebuck

    New here,

    Re: New here, welcome, lots of good folks here.
  11. Re: Extreem Shrink Fletch I've been wondering how good those work. Seems easier than fletching with a jig.
  12. Re: Got a New Mathews Mustang post a pic of your new rig
  13. Re: Straight fletch who shoots helical with a whisker biskit? I was afraid to right out of the gate wtih the new rest.
  14. Re: Got a New Mathews Mustang congrats on the new bow and the win
  15. Re: Straight fletch Mine have a 1 degree offset. the only thing I could see wrong with helical would be rest contact in certain situations.
  16. mainebuck

    start of season

    Re: start of season 37 to go
  17. Re: Switchback Shooters... this is the one I use, the Protector:
  18. Re: Paper Tuning your bow I do it from about 6 - 10 feet away from the paper. Just did it Monday.
  19. Re: Which sight? I never figured how those adjustable sights worked for hunting. If you have a deer coming in do you adjust the sight guessing which lane he's going to be in, or do you wait til you're ready to shoot, adjust your sight for the correct yardage then shoot?
  20. Re: Which sight? I have no complaints with my copper john. I like horizontal pins better than vertical after trying both. If the pins are dim or if you're hunting in a ground blind with low light you can shoot based on the outline of a horizontal pin. Can't do that with a horizontal sight pin with multiple fibers
  21. Re: Which Rest? I just took the shaky hunter off my bow. Try taking a 5 yard shot at a deer from 20 feet up a tree with a trophy taker. great for ground level shots, accurate as anything, but for a steep shot do you want the arrow falling off your trophy taker?
  22. Re: Which Rest? I'm pretty happy with the biskit so far. the peace of mind is priceless. just have to trim the whiskers a bit to quiet it down.
  23. Re: rough week my forearm problem was carelessness on my part. arm guard is part of my repitoire now.
  24. Re: SC Fawn... awesome pic. I'm guessing by the size of the ears that's a doe.
  25. Re: Couple SC Moose... lotta meat there.