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Everything posted by mainebuck

  1. mainebuck


    Re: ROBBED! [ QUOTE ] If you want another hang on, Ill ship you one, I have a few extra laying around....I have been depending on a little one called a Summit ultra lite, it has back pack straps...Ill send new steps if you like.....I have been robbed before, and almost went to jail for a very long time, as I caught one S.O.B. selling my gear at his garage sale.....after a lengthy discussion, he gave me more that I need, so if your in need of one, Ill dig one up and get it off to [/ QUOTE ] I'm kinda speechless there Al. Talk about the exact opposite of what I experienced yesterday. Here I am being offered a treestand. I'd be a fool not to graciously accept your offer. I'll send you a PM with my address and stuff and I'll send you some money to cover the shipping. Again, thank you very much. This is one of the nicest things anyone's ever done for me.
  2. Re: Mathews Switchback.... you could be right.
  3. mainebuck


    Re: ROBBED! it's my aunt's land, but there are 4 wheeler trails through it. I have a good idea it's a couple wahoos I saw on a 4 wheeler in there when I was planting the plot. Fresh tracks from the wheeler and everything. I'll keep an eye out for them.
  4. mainebuck


    The nerve of some people. This is a first to me although I know it's happened to many of you guys. I got out of work early to hunt over my remote foodplot. Get out there and get dressed in the heat. All geared up walking to my stand nice and quiet at about 4:15. Get to where my stand is supposed to be and - NO STAND! I know that's the tree I hung it in back in July. Gone. A dozen screw in steps gone as well. I'm at a bit of a loss standing there looking at the tree. I go to retrieve my trailcam that's back in the woods about a hundred yards across the pipeline. No markers or anything. Go to the tree - GONE! I can understand them seeing the treestand if they saw the food plot due to the shooting lanes cut, but how the heck did they find my camera. Again at a loss. I walked around for a bit contemplating what to do. Not much I could do, just walked back, got changed, and drove home. Probably out about $150 all together. Guess I can still go back and hunt the spot with my climber, but I'm just bummed. Hope I find out who did it. I'm not really one to retaliate, but some people just need to be taught a lesson in decency. Find my stand, hunt in my stand - fine. Steal my stand, WTF!
  5. Re: 85 grain broadhead? what was happening with the paper tuning to indicate you needed the lighter head? I'm curious. Of the heads you mentioned I'd go with the G5. They seem to fly better. Thunderheads are a tried and true head. I've heard good and bad about the Talons.
  6. Re: Mathews Switchback.... I did take it to KTP. That's where I bought it. There are a couple other dealers, Howell's in Gray, The Great Outdoors in Winthrop. I've been happy with the service at KTP, not so happy at some of the other places. It's worth the extra drive. I papertuned mine tonight. It doesn't shoot bullet holes when lined up like it should be. I had to move the rest out quite a bit from the centerline to get it to shoot good through the paper. Hope you can get yours worked out Griz.
  7. Re: Mathews Switchback.... I just got back from the pro-shop. He confirmed the ATA was 1/4" too long. He pressed it, twisted the string, checked ATA, pressed, twisted the string some more and got it dead on. Wow, what a difference. For one thing my draw length is now back where it should be. It felt too long with the string stretched out. I took the STS off to see if it still had the noise, it was much quieter. I shot it about 10 times at their indoor range, feels much better, more zip on the arrow. I'll re-paper tune it tonight or tomorrow morning and be hunting with it tomorrow afternoon. I'm feeling much better about this now. You know, it's all about confidence with shooting and I wasn't feeling very confident lately. Hopefully I'll get it back.
  8. Re: Mathews Switchback.... Hopefully it will be as easy as that. When I had the string replaced on mine about 6 weeks ago I asked the guy at the shop if it would stretch and if I would need to come back to have it fixed. He said that yes it would stretch, but not too much and al I should need to do was move my nock point a little. It doesn't sound like they know what they're doing but we'll find out in a couple hours when I head down.
  9. Re: Mathews Switchback.... Well I measured mine this morning and ATA on my Switchback is about 33 1/4". It's back to the dealer I go today. If they give me any bull about resetting it or if I can't get it done today I may try to get a new bow. There's a Hoyt shop 3 minutes from my house and today I'll be driving an hour to the Mathews dealer. Hope it works out.
  10. Re: Mathews Switchback.... I'm wondering if mine is out of spec. I'll shoot a few good arrows then will have them hitting like a foot left or something. Can't seem to keep them real tight to say the least. I was thinking it was fatigue or hand torque. What do you guys check to make sure your bow is meeting the specs and how do you fix it if it's not? I'm curious.
  11. Re: Blueberry picker killed... NOT GOOD
  12. mainebuck

    opening day

    Re: opening day good luck to you. I've got the butterflies, the nervousness. is everything ready? Only 19 hours til my season starts.
  13. mainebuck

    Hows T-bone doing?

    Re: Hows T-bone doing? Looks like he's lost a few fish sticks. Way to go T.
  14. have them served in so the string is tight around them.
  15. Re: First scrape pics he's big enough to ride in the back of my truck.
  16. Re: Christmas Eve, Eve I hope one of your muzzy's gets dirty Jim.
  17. Re: Afterburner Light a must when hunting out of a ground blind.
  18. Re: Here she is! that is a sweet looking setup. The vipertec was #2 on my list. Hope you smack a big one with it this year.
  19. Re: peep sight I tried shooting my bow without one this summer. I loved the speed and feel of the bow without, but I didn't have enough time to get used to it before hunting season. I'll probably try it again in the off season.
  20. That is, the day before, the day before, opening day (Saturday). I'm sitting here watching first light break out my bay window. Legal shooting hours will have just started 48 hours from now. I need some deer meat. Almost time to git-r-done.
  21. Re: Awsome Pictures of the White Mountains, NH nice pics. I love it up there. Used to catch some nice brookies up in Crawford Notch.
  22. Re: Superguide\'s Ranch Ditto, seems like the brushy area between the pine/spruce trees and the water would be a travel corridor or maybe a bedding area, hard to tell if those are hardwoods with no leaves or a brushy area.
  23. Re: Doe, a deer, a big dead deer Sweet, let's see a pic.
  24. Re: My new babies..... I just got a half dozen beman's with 3" killers. I'm pretty pleased with those vanes. They have not wrinkled at all though my biskit. They have gone through the target a couple times too and no problem.