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Everything posted by Leo

  1. It is so awesome these folks are getting to experience this. It really makes me smile. I pray everyone stays safe and continues to have a great time. Say hi to Terry and the Kids from me and Mary. It would have been great to be there.
  2. Last night started pretty slow for me and my buddy. I watched this little guy all by himself, for about 30mins. No momma ever showed. Most likely this is a buck fawn that's been sent out on his own. About an hour later two different spotted fawns came out and then momma. There wasn't enough light for good pictures of them. I had seen at least 10 deer there the last time. My buddy only saw about six where he had regularly been seeing close to thirty. The deer just weren't hitting the fields yesterday. My buddy did see one good buck so he decided to take him. It's a nice one. Just goes to show. You only need to see one to make it a successful hunt. It just needs to be the right one!
  3. Now I know you're there! Glad you enjoyed the train. My wife and I did too!
  4. I'm not on a team. And thanks for offering but I better stay out of the contest. There are deer that I'm obligated to take out on this land if I have the opportunity that wouldn't necessarily be the best for the team.
  5. If you've been trying different browsers keep in mind you should update Java, adobe and flash while you are in that browser. I've found it causes problems if you don't.
  6. This deer was standing not 50 yards from where you and I sat on Annabelle's swamp field during turkey season. BTW, I saw five gobblers enter that field that afternoon and three of them were longbeards. Ouch! Of course that's the way it works sometimes. I haven't pulled the trigger on a buck whitetail since November 2005. I'm a happy happy guy right now.
  7. Opened yesterday on Private land in this Game Zone. This is my first opening day buck ever in South Carolina. It's also the first one I have ever taken in velvet. Six bucks came out into the field last night in bachelor groups of two each. It was interesting to note the age and size difference between them. They were grouped together in three distinct groups of similar antler and body size. The two biggest were a seven pointer and an eight pointer. The eight pointer was narrower with shorter tines. He did have considerably more mass than the seven. I could tell right away both of these deer were 3 1/2 years old. Both were standing side by side in range. I just had to pick. I picked the seven since next year he'll very likely be a bigger seven. The eight was a nice deer too but I decided he had more potential. I haven't pulled the trigger on a deer in a long time. I haven't been able to go much. I was real happy God blessed me with this guy.
  8. This breaks my heart! This is just awful news. Prayers sent!
  9. Leo

    String Loops

    Bob mentioned the nock pinch issue and it's a real big reason to go string loop believe me! Nock pinch is an absolute nightmare for the treestand bowhunter. Here's an example, the deer comes in, you draw, wait for the shot, the shot isn't there so you have to slowly let down and wait for another opportunity to draw. Nock pinch makes the nock climb off the bowstring slightly. Sometimes when you let off on the draw the arrow comes off the string while you're letting down and sails to the ground below. Sometimes it will pop off the string during the next draw cycle. In either case, deer are not impressed with trees that drop arrows. It can cost you a shot! Been there! OK. This is such a big deal to me that even if a string loop were marginally less accurate, I'd still hunt with one because it's more reliable. The good news is. It's not less accurate. It's a real good thing.
  10. Excellent! Which one turned out to be the hot ticket?
  11. Nice Salmon and a really good Lake Ontario Steelhead!
  12. Yes, it's true you can indeed increase the FOC of any arrow simply by screwing on a heavier point. You can also go to lighter fletchings and nocks to increase FOC. I absolutely agree with Tony for lighter carbon arrows specifically. An FOC of greater than or equal to 10% is typically what it takes to calm down the flight of a carbon shaft. On heavier aluminums 8% is often good enough. This was one of the biggest lessons I had to learn when I switched from aluminums to carbons. In my experience, carbons need more FOC to fly stable at a distance than aluminum. The weight forward shafts allow you to use a lighter head to get more FOC and results in a lower total arrow weight. This translates to a faster arrow. So the option is useful.
  13. Ok, I admit I was starting to wonder where you were! Glad it was having some fun and welcome back!
  14. Drove up here to help clean out my wife's now vacant parents house. $1366 to fix the vehicle so we can drive home. Ouch! Gonna take a little longer to pay off the credit card. Kinda bummed but it could have been a lot worse.
  15. Norm, I really want to see this happen for both you guys.
  16. Inshore in the creeks, they don't get this big. Redfish only live in the creeks for five years (when they reach sexual maturity) and then they move out to the open ocean. Biggest creek redfish I've ever personally caught was about 28inches. When they move into the ocean they can really grow! The world record was caught in 1984 and weighed 94lbs! The fish I caught was over 30 years old. That 94lber was one very old fish!
  17. Um, I would venture you plugged into the output jacks on the back of the cable box. It just isn't gonna work for you like that. Get some longer cables a plug from DVD player to the TV
  18. Think I may have finally got a 40lb red. If he's not 40lbs he's real close. God was good to me last night. It's hard to get measurements night fishing on the beach when the turtle police won't let you use a flashlight. We had to measure him mark the tape and read it under the glow of my cellphone display. He was right at 42 inches long and a girth between 29 and 30 inches (a major fatboy!) I've got some health issues so this kind of fishing is extra hard on me. It was worth it this time. Those of you that know me personally, know how big a guy I am. I tend to make fish look much smaller than they actually are when I'm posing with them. I'm 6' 5" and weigh 290lbs. This time the fish doesn't look small! My buddy, took him back out in the water, got the sand off him and revived him until he could swim off under his own power. I was so glad to see him still strong. I have no desire to kill one of these big old breeders. PS. Ruttinbuc, those hooks you gave me are bringing me some luck!
  19. Every now and then you get lucky fishing from shore. Tonight God blessed me with my two biggest redfish ever. 30lb line is not overkill with these beasts. The first one took over 20minutes to land. He was 41inches long and easily over 30lbs. Biggest Redfish ever! The second one of the evening was 37" long and so shamelessly fat was probably only one pound lighter than the first. He tired quicker. About a 12 minute battle. Being so fat wore him down. My second biggest ever! Both the same night! Both were well over the maximum legal length and were returned to the water unharmed. An absolutely fabulous night of fishing!
  20. Looks like a kind of barking tree frog to me. They make a single very loud "TWONK!". They are very similar to green tree frogs but bigger and louder.
  21. Some great fish on that trip! Well done!
  22. I like the one in the second picture the best. If you can find some red hooks, tie some up with those too.
  23. Prayers are helping. Keep it up! http://byrnebabies.blogspot.com/
  24. Of the triplets that were born to our friends, one of them, little Samuel, has not been doing so good lately. All three were born prematurely, two of them have gotten to go home. Little Samuel is having a tougher time of it. His lungs just aren't ready and he's not responding to treatment. He was trached today. They are hoping this will will turn things around for him in the next 48hrs. I'm scared for the little guy. He's never been home in his so far very short life. Please pray for Samuel Byrnes.
  25. The file type is certainly an issue but that may not be the only problem. When uploading photos and videos to sites you need to very often make certain the version of Java on your computer is compatible with the site. The newer versions have backwards compatibility so download a new version of Java from here: http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp