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Everything posted by smo

  1. I'd say 3.5. I'd take him out. You don't want him spreading the 6 point genetics.
  2. smo

    Mission Craze

    I've been letting him sneak the bow out and shoot without momma knowing about it. She'd give me a black eye if she knew he was sneaking out his Christmas present. Seems to be a really nice bow, and he's shooting really well.
  3. smo

    Got Him!

    Good looking buck.
  4. smo

    Mission Craze

    I got my 11 year old boy a mission craze for Christmas. It is a really good looking bow. The bare bow was 279.99, but by the time I got all the bells and whistles put on it, it was 481.00. I'm glad he loves hunting as much, if not more than I do. Well, everyone have a Merry Christmas.
  5. Our hunting group had on heck of a day on Sat. We saw four 8 points, and all of them were dogging does. We got 2 of the eights. I would post pics, but can't rememeber how.
  6. Thanks, Todd. I was looking @ spending about $100. Is there any other seed you would recommend also?
  7. I have about a 1/2 acre I want to plant for fall/winter. I was wondering what would be a good draw. It will get plenty of sunlight. Also after spreading seed, do I need to disk again. Don't have the money to fertilize either.
  8. I had the same thing happen to me, with me being about 35 to 40 feet in the air. I started hollering for help, and my brother heard me about 3/4 of a mile away from me. He came running, and to make a long story short, they called the fire department to come and get me down. Talk about embarrassing.
  9. I'm a management hunter. Take does for meat, and wait on big bucks. I hunt from a treestand primarily, but will also hunt out of a hut. I find that the older I get the more work it is to pull the trigger. Not as trigger happy as I was in my younger days.
  10. Nice buck, especially for a bow kill.
  11. Nice buck!!! I'd say he'll score around 110". Ya gotta love those rage broadheads.
  12. Best broadhead I've ever used.
  13. I've got a parker and love it. Top it off with a 2 blade rage and you've got a lethal system.
  14. 1st one is 150's. 2nd one in the 160's.