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Everything posted by smo

  1. 1st one around 130. Last one around 110.
  2. smo

    Big Bucks

    Those are huge bucks.
  3. I'll guess in the lower 160's.
  4. smo

    Big Buck

    I hope he has some growing to do. I was guessing in the upper 120's. What do you think his width is?
  5. Nice buck. I'd say he's 18" inside. Good looking buck.
  6. Extra nice buck. Hope you can get him with a bow.
  7. What do you think this buck would score?
  8. If you are having problems with the rages deploying in the quiver, all you have to do is rotate the o-ring till the blades stick.
  9. I'd say around 115 at the most.
  10. I'm needing some help with a new deer blind I bought. It is made of all metal with 12" x 47 1/2" window cutouts. I was wanting to put some lexan windows in, but can't seem to find any window rails that are cut to size. Wondering if ya'll would help? Thanks.
  11. I've heard of yote's and bobcat's mistakenly stalking a turkey hunter, but none jumping on the hunter.
  12. Besides my son, I would pick Mike Waddell.
  13. Just wondering what the deer were hitting the most out of everyone's food plots this year? They were hitting standing corn in my neck of the woods.
  14. I was trying to get more out of my scouting camera and was wanting some info.. I have a rechargeable moultrie 6-volt rechargeable battery that i bought from wal-mart. So now I bought a 6-volt solar panel. Here is the info. on the box. (For use with 6v gel cell ( rechargeable batteries) only-do not use spring-top, lantern style or alkaline batteries. The power rating is .63, the Voc is 9V and the Isc is 70mA. I know nothing about batteries and charging and was wondering if this combination would be alright. Thanks for any input.