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Everything posted by LLBUX

  1. LLBUX


    Doing well here. The bucks are all huge here in IL, you know that. Hope you can come back one day. We miss your ugly mug-
  2. LLBUX


    Hey Chris- I'll tell your little buddy Lane that 'Uncle Chris' is getting poked and he better say a prayer. By the way, he is now 13 and almost 5' tall. Way ahead of my growth at that age. Take care- LLBUX
  3. Many leases in Pike, Brown and Adams are running $40-75(or more) per acre. All acres in the parcel are included, not just timber. Can hook you up in Scott or Morgan (next to Pike) for less. Pm if interested. Good luck! LLBUX
  4. My brother Mike outfits in Pike. He has a guy(Jeff) in from MI this week. Jeff started his hunt yesterday afternoon and stuck a good buck shortly after climbing in his stand. No word yet as to how big the buck is. I hunted along a creek last night in Pike and saw nothing. Just wasn't where the deer were last night. Bob has 4 guys in from PA this week. They have seen several 150 bucks. No word yet as to Sunday's successes there. I'm going back to Brown on Saturday and may sit the same stand. WHo knows, maybe they will accommodate me this time. Good luck all-
  5. Hunted last night with a buddy in Brown County. He outfits near Siloam Spings State Park. Had 4 bucks inside 35 yards. 8 point yearling, 8 point 2 year old, 9 point 3 YO, and 9 point 4 YO. Great afternoon of hunting. Passed on all shots due to brush or shot angle. Ready to draw on the 130" 3 year old (25 yards quartering to)when the doe with him stomped and walked off. He whirled and walked off with no good shot. There are 4 others in camp. Two saw 150 class bucks that day. Bucks were working scrapes and were hopeful. May go to Pike tonight and my brother's place there. His two hunters last week killed or missed good bucks.\\ Good luck all-
  6. Looks like the beams are longer than that. Did you measure from the base to tip around the curve? Good buck-
  7. I'm in the minority here, but I don't think he'll make Boone due to the number of deductions for non-typical points and side to side differences. (Typical or NT) Forget the book, it is not always a true representation of a deer's rack. Good luck to you.
  8. Hunted my brother's place in Pike County. He's an outfitter there. Sat in box blinds this weekend and was covered up with does and small bucks. All eating on wheat foodplots. Nothing down for the team just yet. May get back out on Sunday. Too much going on! Good luck all-
  9. Just back from my first night out this year. 5 does and two bucks(one real good one). Nothing close enough. Back out Sat-Monday afternoons. Good luck all!
  10. Good job Rhino- Can't wait for pix. Sounds like a good 'un. I'm targeting 4PM on Friday for my first trip out. I have a teacher institute that day that ends at about 2 so I'm outta there ASAP. Good luck all! LLBUX
  11. I won't get out this weekend. Older brother hits 60 next week so we're having a party. I'll be in Pike county next weekend(maybe Brown if I get an invite from an outfitter friend to hunt his lease) Good luck all!
  12. We had a missing member show up after I posted this thread. I suppose anyone needing a replacement could post here. Good luck and safe hunting to all- LLBUX
  13. Anybody know Buckhunter76? I sent him a messsage a couple weeks ago and have heard nothing. Gonna be hard for us to win with just 7 hunters. Good luck all-
  14. Took my .17 cal.Crossman pellet gun out a few days ago and had great fun. It shoots 1000fps and has a 3x9 scope. Good out to about 30 yards! Drilled my first one in many years. Right through the eye and retrieved the pellet!
  15. Have had precious little time this year to scout out new areas. Guess I'll have to rely on the old stands this year. Good luck all-
  16. I sent messages to the two missing team members. (Shaun_300 and Buckhunter76) Hopefully they'll show up soon. Good luck all-
  17. I was thinking Sweet 16 too. Wanta be Capt. for us?
  18. LLBUX from Illinois checking in. Our bow season runs Oct 1-January 15-ish. Start thinking of team name and a team captain. Let's get 'em! Arnie Rahe-LLBUX
  19. I have a 1999 Yamaha golf car for sale. It has a 6 lift and knobbys all around. Cart has a top on it too. It is a gas cart. Paint is good, no cracks in plastic. $3500 buys it. [email protected]
  20. LLBUX

    One sick doe

    Personally, I'd let nature take its course. If she is meant to live, she will.
  21. Nice G2's but narrow. Not a lot of mass. Typical 2 year old at 115-118" Nice deer, good luck Gary!
  22. Been wondering how he has been doing! Archer's Choice? Moving up in the world! Also shared camp with Gary, Ohiobucks and Tominator in '04. Nice guys- Good luck Gary
  23. Nothing on the ground yet. Had several does in front of me this weekend. I'll put one down sometime! Have seen a couple of bucks running does(including a potential Booner). Rut may be kicking in soon. Good luck all!
  24. Jacksonville, Beardstown or Pittsfield Walmart will take care of your needs. They are close to your hunting area. The Army Surplus store in South Jacksonville also handles tags. Good luck! LLBUX