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Everything posted by Huntr104

  1. I'm looking for scope rings and bases for a Browning BAR ShortTrac. Usually I use Leupold Dual Dovetail rings and bases for all my rifles but I don't think they make them for the BAR. Can anyone point me in the right direction? The problem is the ones that I have found are kind of ugly looking and are gloss finish. I'm looking for matte finish. Thanks
  2. I'm looking for an aftermarket stock for my Savage 93r17. I haven't really found what I'm looking for. Any suggestions? thanks
  3. Huntr104

    Night Vision

    Anyone use Night Vision? I was thinking of getting something in the $500 range to use while in my stand waiting for sunrise. I'm just not sure how well they work and if they're worth the money. Anyone have any experience? I saw that some of the Night Owl night vision monoculars got decent reviews for the money.
  4. Thanks, but they don't have them for my state.
  5. Can anyone tell me what the best Topo Map software out there right now is? Something that I can print out. Thanks
  6. I'm looking at buying a generation 1 night vision monocular. Anyone have one that they like? dislike? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Sorry, this is probably the wrong place to post this but I wanted to get the most people to ask. I was thinking of buying a fairly cheap Generation 1 nightvision, (under $400). I'm asking for any type of feedback, good or bad. I've read some reviews and there is mixed opinions. Does anyone use them? and or like what they have and how it works, etc. Any advice would be appreciated.
  8. thanks for the good ideas. The generator was given to me and runs fine. If I had the money I would buy a small honda generator. I had one at work years ago and they are very quiet. I think I'm going to do a little exhaust mod and tinker with it. The hole method won't work for me, I don't think because of snow issues. thanks again.
  9. Well, unfortunately, where I usually put my camper during hunting season up North I lost my electric supply. So I bought a portable generator to run my camper now. The problem is that it is EXTREMELY LOUD, as most of you know they are. I would really like to quiet it down alot. Neighbors might not like hearing this thing roar all night. So I'm asking any of you for some help. Do they sell better mufflers? or any homemade modifications I can do to tone it down. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. Great pics. You must be really excited about the upcoming season.
  11. I say let him play. I'm a Brett fan for live. He obviously has the deep passion to play. If the Pack has moved on then so be it. I will admit it'll be hard watching him play without the green and gold. But I'll still be routing for him. It's a tough situation for both sides
  12. I was wondering if anyone could help me determine the value of a rifle I'll be selling for my Dad. It's a Weatherby Vanguard in .308 Winchester. It was made in Japan back in the early 70's with a Redfield variable scope. With a nice wood stock. It's in very good conditon seeing that it's approx. 30 years old and is very accurate. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've done a search and all gun prices seems like you have to buy a book. Nobody give out free info on the net. Thanks
  13. I was just wondering if anyone had the new Bushnell 357 Trail Scout Pro camera and how they liked it? What do you think the actual range is? not what Bushnell says it is. I think I have it narrowed down to either the Cuddeback NOFLASH and the Bushnell 357 Trail Scout Pro. Any feedback on either of these camera would be greatly appreciated.
  14. My money is on the buck to the right:D
  15. WOW. Absolutely spectacular animals and pics. Keep em coming:)
  16. Looking for a fairly cheap guided hunt for me and my Dad. He's getting up there in age and it's starting to get hard for him to get around the deer woods. We've always talked about going out west for an elk hunt but I think that's out of the question now. So I'm going to try to keep it closer to home (we're from New England) and I'm looking for options. Maybe South eastern Canada for black bear/ deer, Moose, with maybe time to do some coyote hunting as well. Anyone have any suggestions and or guides that they had a good experience with? links, etc. thanks
  17. I have an Aimpoint Comp ML3 on my AR. I chose that over the EOtech.
  18. Go here. there will be plenty of answers here for you.
  19. If I order the rifle through him I won't have to pay a transfer fee. The reason I say around $1,200 is because of the few add ons I'm ordering with the gun. The Quad Rail handguard is $120, the winter trigger guard is $10 and the S. Vortex flash hider is $54. The Rifle itself is $1,055 with the chrome lined barrel and tactical carry handle. I'll definitely post pics when I get them.
  20. Thanks Eric. Nice looking setup you have wtnhunt. Tomorrow I'm going to head over to my local shop to place the order. He always gives me good prices and seeing that he's my only local dealer I like to give him the business. I decided to go with the Rock River Entry Tactical with a Chromed lined barrel,Quad Rail Free Float Handguard, Hogue grip, Winter trigger guard and a Smith Vortex Flash hider. It'll run me around $1,200. The reason I didn't go with the Varmint rifle is because I have a Remington SPS Varmint in .22-250 coming in on Friday:D I'll be putting on a Nikon Monarch 4x12x40 AO scope on her.
  21. I've done some research and talked to a couple AR guys around here and they're all pointing towards the Rock River. The only problem is that it'll take me 8 weeks to get it.