I few years back I went ice fishing on April 4th. :jaw:
Most years we see grass in mid to late April. Some earlier some later. I cannot even think about the garden until mid May.
We may have snow on the ground for 5-6 months every year but its a sportsmans paradise up here.
I've only been hunting with the compound for 3 years so I'm not ready to make a change yet. I do have my Dad's trad. bow and its a nice Fred Bear. I wish I had someone closer who could show me what I am doing wrong. I cannot hit the broadside of a barn with it.
I live north of Ruth and just south of Swampy. I live along the Eastern shore of Lake Ontario. It has been cold and snowing for the last four days because we live in the snow belt. Last night we got another 8 inches which brings our total well over 2 foot of snow. I took some pictures this morning after I cleaned out the driveway and porches.
Snow build up on the front porch.
View of our front porch.
The backyard.
The snow brought the branches down so the kids made a fort out of it.
Funny! My kids really enjoy Swampy's bear.
As the only SASS member on the forums, I'm keeping my avatar. I've had it for 5 years now, why change. I was thinking about changing my signature but I havn't found anything I like yet.
This was the first time that my kids actually saw their father kill something. What made it even more special was that they were terrified of coyotes. Not anymore. :gunsmilie:
The new big hit this year was Stone Colds venison wraps! Wowsers!
I tried artechoke hearts for the first time this year. I can live without them. I still cannot eat squash or brocholli.