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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. I got an iphone 4s. So share with me some apps that are really really cool. :cool2:
  2. Oh I understand. I'm just pointing out that when you said you would get them when they were separated is not self defense. It's a shame that your school was not able to help you. That is the main reason why there is such a big push in schools stop this. I'm not sure if this movement is nationwide but here in NY a teacher or school can be held liable for not helping a student who complains of being bullied.
  3. My blackpowder weekend was a bust. Had one button buck walk by. Rifle season begins in our northern tier this weekend. We'll see what happens but the weather forecast looks snotty.
  4. Good to see you back Hutch. Tell your brother MO Mod Dan to come back and visit us sometime. Yep I remember those. Still carry one with me every spring.
  5. Good point William. I don't want my point to be confused. I would never tell my kid or any kid to not defend themselves. But in Luke's story he confronted his bullies and said he would get them back when they were separated. That is not self defense but going on the offensive. Fly has the right idea. Get the authorities involved and solve the problem. Remember even if a kid threatens to hit your child, that's assault under the law, and you can have the police deal with it.
  6. Ok, I'll bite. So what you are saying is we should teach our children to break the law. Assault is assault whether you are the victim or the bully. Do you really believe that promoting the "Thug Mentality" will fix the problem? What if another parent lurking on here reads this, tells their kids to beat up their bully and winds up in a hospital. Could you live with that Luke? We had a student here at my school stand up to a bully about 13-14 years ago. He was beat up so bad he lost vision in one eye. You can say stand up to a bully but there is little chance of that working for everyone if not anyone. Here is a neat idea. Have the bully arrested. Bullying stops and everyone is happy.
  7. Congratulations! Here is your new mug!
  8. Holy Moses!!:jaw: That's new baby #4 on the forums! Glad to see you guys were keeping warm last winter. Congratulations btw!!
  9. Black powder season starts tomorrow. I'll see if I can smoke a doe for the team tomorrow.
  10. Take all of your hunting clothes and put them in a large storage tub with the lid on. Lift the lid a crack and spray an entire can of buck bomb into the tub.
  11. Yippe ky yea monkey man!!!
  12. Amen Brother!!! I forgot to mention that point. . Now here is another spin on bullying that a few ...unfortunately.... see. Eric Harris and Dyland Klebolt, the shooters of Columbine were the victims of bullies. The uproar for gun control overshadowed that these two boys were bullied almost everyday in the cafeteria, that is why the cafeteria was thier primary target. Almost everyday the two boys were sprayed with ketchup and mustard by "jocks" because of the way they were dressed. Now the teachers who monitored the cafeteria had a "learn to deal with it attitude" and did little about what was going on. From what I am told by someone who has seen the video tapes of the Columbine cafeteria, there was one day that the two boys laughed at being embarassed in front of everyone. And that was the day before their rampage. The bully campaign that is is being waged may not be for your kids John because you are a good parent. But if it educates just one kid not to be a bully, lets them know they can get help, that they don't need to act out with suicide or violence if they are bullied, then it is a success. The days of "suck it up buttercup" just don't work anymore. Society has simply changed too much.
  13. I decided to bring this old thread back to life because....well...they are so dang good!
  14. Speaking as a middle school teacher, bullying is a far cry from what we knew in school. The social media, video games and todays "Thug mentality" has taken bullying from being beat up for lunch money to destroying peoples lives. I'm in a inner city school and we participate in the Olweus program. Already we see a difference in the attitude of the kids. Gone are the survival of the fittest days for kids. Now they are more caring. No one is called down to the office for being called a dork. That remark is just silly. But if your kid was pi$$ed on in the locker room and it was video taped and Youtubed, you wouldn't start threads like this.
  15. What drives me nuts are the guys at my range who won't put out a sign because the fear it advertises they have guns to criminals.
  16. Lynn, that line of "gentlemen" (note sarcasm) that you see at 6am every Wednesday at Gander Mountain are the people who are hoarding the ammo and selling it at shows and on-line for $100 a brick. Get it through their head and it won't be so bad.
  17. Awesome story and pics! Congratulations to both of you!
  18. I didn't want to deal with shipping a bow. I put it on craigslist and it was gone in no time.
  19. My buddy came back from New Foundland with a moose. The ground meat alone was the best I ever ate. You would never buy ground beef again. Congrats again on the moose. Nice pile of meat ya got there.
  20. Congratulations! Wow! First Mud, then Bug, now you, all in one week. LOL!! Must have been a cold winter where you guys live!
  21. I've seen the show a few times. It's not bad.
  22. You will be living in an estrogen ocean! Good luck with that and congratulations!
  23. How did I miss this on Facebook? Congratulations Lewis!!! That's a dandy bull!!! What kind of mount do you have planned?