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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. RangerClay


    That's great Shaun! I wish you all the best and hopefully I'll get up there soon to check it out.
  2. RangerClay

    New Member

    Welcome to the Realtree campfire! Before long, you will enter into Moronhood!
  3. Not all colors will have the same brightness. Red is the brightest.
  4. You wouldn't want this deer to go through life lop sided! The does will all laugh at him! Choot'em and end his misery!
  5. I like management deer. That's a deer that manages to wind up in my freezer!
  6. In the summer months I've had excellent success with Trophy Rocks.
  7. I'm a little annoyed with a member who signed up for our turkey team and never showed up or participated. Perhaps these people can get DQ'd from the deer contest or at least be warned.
  8. I used to work with a guy who back in the early 90's would light an unscented candle under a bottle of doe pee. When a deer pee's, it's warm, and warm scents travel better and farther through the woods than cold scents. You have to watch the wind! If the deer can smell the Thermacell, they can certainly smell you.
  9. Thanks, but I was just following your lead.
  10. Dan is right. Finding a new bow for under $300 that are top quality will be a tough task. Then you will have to purchase sights, quiver, arrows, broadheads, release, and a stabilizer. All to the tune of another $2-300 min. Look at the package deals that some brands offer. A friend of mine got the least expensive package that Bear sells for $399 a couple years ago and it wasn't too bad but it needed a few extras to make it a good bow. Go to Youtube and search reviews for the Bear Outbreak and the PSE Stinger3G. Bass Pro has them in an affordable package. You will still have to drop another $200+ on arrows, broadheads, release, and practice targets.
  11. How long have you been bowhunting? If this is all new, you cannot expect tight grouping at 30 yards immediately. It takes time and LOTS of practice. Maybe 20 arrows a day. Years ago, I got my first bow just before deer season and swore I would never shoot at a deer over 20 yards. That following winter I joined an indoor 5-spot archery league. After shooting with others and finally developing a proper form, did my shooting improve. Shooting a bow is a lot like golf. It takes plenty of practice to form a perfect swing and before every shot goes straight down the fairway. If you practice with a bad swing you will never get it straight. same with a bow, if you keep doing the same thing wrong, you will never get the 30 yard spot. Go see a pro and have him/her watch you shoot.
  12. While we're waiting for your answer, here is a bow a recommend to most beginners. Riot | Mission Archery It's affordable, it has a lifetime guarantee, and best of all it's adjustable which makes easy for a resell if you want to upgrade or pass onto your kids. Take a minute and scroll through the reviews at the bottom of the page.
  13. Hi Stone, welcome to the forums. That request is a huge area to cover. Three questions, what is most that you want to spend and what do you plan to hunt with the bow? Also do you want new or used?
  14. I have to give kudo's to a recipe I've seen floating around Facebook and I gave it a try. My family really enjoyed my spin on it. 1 pound venison ground 1 egg 1 package of Stovetop turkey stuffing 1/2 cup of water Mix well and bake at 350 for aprox. 45 min. While this was baking I made mashed potatoes and a simple beef stock gravy (NO ketchup) and it was really very good. Add to that a bottle of my Chilean Carmenare' and it was a simple meal fit for a king. All my brother hunters really need to give this a try.
  15. If you like fixed blade, give Slick Tricks a try. I shoot the Slick Trick Mags. Shoot just like field tips, Lutz Mercedes stainless steel blades, and are scary sharp.
  16. RangerClay


    I shoot NAP Gobbler Getters at the thunder chickens. They are very dependable and the only broadhead I will use for turkeys.
  17. Sorry for your loss. Knee mail on the way.
  18. I'll second that motion!! Go to a pro shop and get it checked out!!
  19. Pope & Young does not allow you to use anything electronic.
  20. Yup but so do some fixed blade broadheads. For example, my Slick Trick Mags fly just like my field tips.
  21. I cannot tell you how much I love lighted nocks. Once shot at a turkey and the arrow skipped up and went flying off into the woods. I went searching and I could see the lighted nock from 30 yards away. Another benefit is that you can see where the arrow hit your deer. Nice for marginal shots. No I didn't have to move my pins once I installed the nocks. As for Nocturals, I tried them for a year and they were ok. However one day I ran one through a deer. I cleaned up the arrow and put it back in my quiver. Three days later I shot at a turkey from a ground blind and it didn't light up. The arrow skipped up and went off into woods and I lost the arrow. That was the end of them for me and I went back to my trusty Lumenocks. They have never failed me. They are only a couple dollars more and you get 20x the battery life. If you can find it, look for last years issue of Peterson Bowhunting, they did a review of all the lighted nocks and Lumenocks beat all the others hands down. Lastly one more thing that you should know, especially if you like to shoot big bucks. If you shoot a deer with a lighted nock, it will DQ you from entering it in Pope & Young.
  22. Hey there, a lot of great info been said already and I'll add my 2 cents. When I bowhunt from a stand, 90% is from a ladder stand and 10% from a climber. I have NEVER, I repeat, NEVER been busted in a 15-16 foot ladder stand. Unless your deer are conditioned to look up, 15-16 ft. ladder stands are just fine. I own several brands and I have to agree that Guide Gear are really nice for the money. Make sure of two things. One, make sure you have a large platform to stand on for mobility and proper stance. I have a ladder stand I got from Dick's and I cannot spread my feet apart properly. Number two and the MOST important! Invest in a good harness and be hooked up all the way and all the way down.
  23. RangerClay

    The unthinkable

    Congrats Ben! Never swear at her and never ask her to change and you two will have a long marriage.