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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. Hey folks, Lynn made the paper today. Watertown Daily Times | Anti-gun control signs cover the countryside There are two pics with the article, he's in the second one.
  2. Congrats on the doe!! Good question about the pics. I guess if it was me, I would sit down next to the deer and lift the head up for a "selfie". Try to get as much as you can so it does look like you are holding up a deer mount. maybe lower yourself down to the level of your pick up truck bed.
  3. Thnks Dan! maybe in the spring we can get together for a lesson or two. I'll trade you some wine for your time.
  4. Best of luck to your boy!
  5. Wow!! That sow on the left is huge! Congrats on the twofer!
  6. One other perk of Cold Gear is the compression fit. It will feel strange and different at first but you will get used to it. I have found that I get less ticks digging in me because they cannot get past the the tight fit. I found that I need to buy one size larger than my normal size with UA.
  7. I NEVER leave home without it. As a base layer this stuff is awesome!! Especially if you work up a sweat walking in. It wicks away so you don't get cold and clammy. I know in your initial post you said you don't want to do layers but really its the best way to keep warm. Here is how I dress for 40 degree morning. (Upper body) First a layer of cold gear, then a heavy duty fleece shirt, fleece vest (the vest is the key for keeping your core warm) then a mid weight jacket. Mine is from Dick's, its their Field and stream brand, cost me $50. I made sure it had a good shell for wind breaking. And make sure it has a hood. (Lower body) Cold gear, fleece sweat pants, then heavy weight insulated pants. Last ly and my most effective weapon against the cold, a good tight facemask. Sure you can put on the war paint like the nuts on Buck Commander but a facemask gives me at least an extra hour in the stand. If the mask interferes with your anchor, watch what Lee Lakosky does with his.
  8. That's a dandy NY buck! Congrats!!
  9. Good for you Dan! I have my fathers recurve and I've had it re-strung. I've tried shooting it but I cannot hit the broadside of a barn. I would really like some instruction but I don't know anyone who shoots a recurve.
  10. I like the archery shoots, that's why I buy it. I can set my VCR and have a copy of every show for season. Why should I have to buy it. Give us a reason to see/buy something different. I've been saying this for a while now. The videos are getting dull and same-old, same-old. The camo, is the same-old AP & APG but with XTRA. There really isn't anything different.
  11. That is good to know Lynn. There was a guy in Adams selling them but he has not had them for weeks. Do you have them at the shop? I know people on another forum who are looking for a place to pick one up.
  12. Give me one good reason. Have you ever tried an Elite Hunter?
  13. I still remember 3 years ago when I picked up my new Hoyt. While I was waiting the shop owner said, "have you tried one of these?" I picked up the bow, drew it, and I no longer wanted my new bow. It was an Elite. It will be my next bow.
  14. STAY AWAY FROM NEW YORK!!!! btw, fix your avatar, I'm getting a neck ache. :clown:
  15. LOL! You've posted 6,851 times and you still cannot see your join date on the screen? I'm almost at the 10 year mark and I have met some of my best friends here. Some of which I have never met, but yet they get a Christmas card every year. The forums have allowed me and my kids to meet Realtree Prostaffers and celebrities, like Tim, Steve, and Randy Oitker. This forum is still my favorite place to stop by and if I need help with gear or or a gun, I know someone here will have the answer.
  16. RangerClay


    It's probably Muff trying to unload all of his NY Giants gear!
  17. We all know that this SafeAct is a royal PITA. Needless to say we are stuck with it for now. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There was a video shot last weekend where they updated us on the lawsuit to overturn this. I cannot find it here but its on the NYSRPA facebook page. In a nutshell we will have our first decision soon. That will probably be appealed twice and it will go to the Supreme Court. Our lawyer in this suit is 5 for 5 at winning gun rights cases like ours. In the meantime, pray, spread the word, and talk to your legislators. If you havn't already, get a NYSRPA membership or just give to help fight the cause.
  18. Congratulations Mud! I cannot see the pic here at work but I'm sure he is a handsome young buck.
  19. Congrats Mud! Hope things continue to go well! I had a great morning this past Saturday. I wound up getting busted by a doe a little after 7am. She made so much noise that nothing moved for hours. Then at 9am I had two spikes feeding under my tree for 30 minutes. After that is was too hot to hunt. This year we have an over abundance of apples and they are dropping now. Too much food and high heat gives them little reason to move. Hopefully it will get better in a couple weeks.
  20. Too late! Saw on Facebook that he is snowed in. Congrats on the buck Tim!
  21. I will be out tomorrow morning in my new stand. Looks like its going to be a hot one. We'll see how it goes.
  22. Some great ideas! Just don't mix booze with guns.
  23. Agreed. Ink is not my thing but as long as you are happy. Why did you do the candy corn tipped antlers?
  24. Happy Birthday once again Swampy!