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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. RangerClay


    LOL! We call them things "Genny Screamers" because of the sound your bottom makes the next morning. :48:
  2. RangerClay


    Free beer that's my favorite brand. If you're going to buy me one it's the best beer in the land. Warm, flat, funky, it don't matter to me, the best beer in this whole world is the one you buy for me!
  3. RangerClay

    Writing stories

    Swampy got his bear hunt published.
  4. See! I told you that you were a backseat driver!
  5. A real American hero. RIP Written by fellow soldier Floyd Talbert: "You are loved and will never be forgotten by any soldier that ever served under you, I would follow you into ****."
  6. RangerClay

    The Duke

    Not to metion that AMC cuts out bits and pieces of the movies so they can fit in more commercials!
  7. It didn't take long for Keith Olberman to put his 2 cents in. I see more of the crapola coming from the liberal left! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/40983401#40983401 Forgive me for posting an MSNBC link.
  8. That is really cool! I have never seen that before. I'm glad Okie gave the link to show us how it is done.
  9. Everything he said!! Plus recently I have learned this about my Tricks: We have upgraded the steel in our blades across the line. Gary requested the best steel from lutz for our blades. We are using there Mercedes Grade steel. We are going from knife grade steel to custom knife grade steel. 25% stronger and better edge retention. I too will continue to be a loyal Trick customer.
  10. This just in from the Slick Trick Facebook page. Be sure to check out their new GT2 We have upgraded the steel in our blades across the line. Gary requested the best steel from lutz for our blades. We are using there Mercedes Grade steel. We are going from knife grade steel to custom knife grade steel. 25% stronger and better edge retention. Will give more show info tomorrow.
  11. I happened to catch the late night episode because I couldn't sleep. I was an amazing shot! Thanks for the link, I will share it with the kids today.
  12. RangerClay

    The Duke

    I'll be tuning in Pilgrim :cowboy:
  13. Cowboy action shooting and wine making would be a tie for "my thing".
  14. Funny thing about the hill I hunt on. The deer don't start moving until 8am. I might see one or two at sunrise but when my watch says 8am its go-time!
  15. I bought mine in 1995. Its a great investment. Congrats!
  16. Slick Trick are AWESOME! I shoot the 100gr. mags. My arrows have a slight helical. Super durable, shaving sharp, very affordable, and shoot just like field tips. I have no desire to change to any other fixed blade broadhead. I have a link about Slick Tricks on my computer at home that I will share with you later. Go get yourself a pack, you will love them. MeanV Archery sells them on-line with free shipping.
  17. I have been put in charge of a Knights of Columbus/church function. With our local theater closed for renovation we thought we might offer a dinner and a movie night. I have the menu picked out, that was easy. It will be chicken parm for dinner and we will have free popcorn during the movie. Here is where I need your help. I'm in a real pickle about what movie to show. So let me ask you, if you were going to bring out the family for an event such as this, what movie choices would make you come to my event? :eat:
  18. I first saw this during Dream Season and fell in love with the song. I like this version with Charlie Daniels much more. Thanks for sharing.
  19. LMAO! Are you kidding me? Must be Star Wars never made to northern Wisconsin! :clown: