Here are few details.My mother in law watches my two kids 2 days a week on Tuesday and Thursday.My daughter is going to be 4 next month and my son just turned 1 last month.She had my boy on the counter island in the kithcen changing him and she passed out and fell to the kitchen floor.My daughter (remember she's 4) had enough sense to somehow finagil him to the stool and get him to the floor before he fell of the counter to the hard ceramic tile floor.She is by far the smallest kid in her preschool out of 45 other kids.She weighs 29 lbs. and she is only about 2 inches taller than my boy who weighs 26 lbs.How she managed to pick him up and get him down safely when they are basically the same size I have no idea,but I'm aweful proud of her.She even tried to call our house with the telephone.After that my mother in law came to but couldn't get,so she had my daughter call my work,but got the recording.By this time my father in law came home and took her to the hospital.They are still doing some tests,but it looks like she'll be fine.They think it was from a reaction to a new medication.In my eyes my little girl is a hero.She saved her little brother from falling off the counter and helped grandma till my father in law got home.I'm one proud dad!