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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Happy birthday Andrea!Hope you have a great day!
  2. Congrats!Looks like your having a great season!
  3. Not sure.I use a small red on when I need it.It's not near as bright and my eyes don't need to adjust after I turn it off.Most of the time I don't use on.
  4. Here are few details.My mother in law watches my two kids 2 days a week on Tuesday and Thursday.My daughter is going to be 4 next month and my son just turned 1 last month.She had my boy on the counter island in the kithcen changing him and she passed out and fell to the kitchen floor.My daughter (remember she's 4) had enough sense to somehow finagil him to the stool and get him to the floor before he fell of the counter to the hard ceramic tile floor.She is by far the smallest kid in her preschool out of 45 other kids.She weighs 29 lbs. and she is only about 2 inches taller than my boy who weighs 26 lbs.How she managed to pick him up and get him down safely when they are basically the same size I have no idea,but I'm aweful proud of her.She even tried to call our house with the telephone.After that my mother in law came to but couldn't get,so she had my daughter call my work,but got the recording.By this time my father in law came home and took her to the hospital.They are still doing some tests,but it looks like she'll be fine.They think it was from a reaction to a new medication.In my eyes my little girl is a hero.She saved her little brother from falling off the counter and helped grandma till my father in law got home.I'm one proud dad!


    Yea,any 20 gauge rifled slug should work just fine.I would buy a few different brands and see which one shoots the best for you.
  6. Same hear.I've had bucks stop and look back,even had one snort wheeze back at me last year,but never had it bring a deer any closer to me.
  7. I know in the area of Minnesota I lived in most of the hunting was done by drives.I did it a few times,but prefer stand hunting.A few guys would push through groves,treelines,or thick patches and other hunters would surround it and shoot at the deer running out.It seems like the odds of something bad happening would be increased by this.Regardless there's no excuse for tragic things like this happening.
  8. I don't have any picks,but I have an older Case 2 blade folder that was my dads.It's about 5" with the blades folded in.This baby will hold an edge like you wouldn't believe.I had a close call gutting a deer a few years ago when the blade just about closed on my fingers,so now I use a lock blade or wyoming knife,but they need sharpened between uses.
  9. Looks like great payoff!Congrats!Gotta love it when a plan comes together.
  10. Sounds like you had a good time!There's still plenty of time left,hopefully next time you get to use a tag.
  11. Congrats again!That's pretty good video for him being that distance and filming it your self.
  12. Generally strings should last a few years as long as you keep them waxed.I just look for any bad fraying or serving wear,especially around the cams and wheels.
  13. Awesome!Congrats on a dandy buck!
  14. Congrats to your buddy!That's a great 8 pointer!
  15. Congrats on a great buck James!That's a pig of a deer right there!
  16. I use Tinks 69 and dominant buck urine from H.S.I don't use scent bombs,I just doctor up scrapes or use a drag rag.If you see this buck and the rut is on I would try a few estrous bleats followed by some grunts. Welcome to RT!
  17. Sounds like quite a day!Congrats to both of you and happy birthday to the little one!It'll be tough to top that!

    Bought a 4x4 pickup

    Nothing wrong with that rig Craig!It ought to serve you well for hunting and the Wisconsin winters.
  19. That's a great first buck!Congrats to your son!
  20. Sheesh!What a great buck!Congrats to your cousin!

    scent lok

    Ditto!I use DDW on my Scentblocker suit.
  22. That's a great looking Illinois buck!Congrats! He's about the size of the one I have on the wall.
  23. Booguard is a big old boy!D.J. had his hands full.He got the better of the fight early,and Booguard got some shots in at the end.It's tough to handle a guy that has about 35 lbs. on you. The Blues are in a slump.They gave up two shorties Saturday against the Hawks and had an aweful first against the Blue Jackets last night and got shut out by Columbus for the second straight game.
  24. Nice to here things are picking up!Congrats tp all the succesfull hunters! Went out Saturday morning and didn't see a thing.I did find a few fresh scarpes by one of my stands that I put my trail camera on.Now that time has changed I won't be able to get out after work during the week.I'm going back to the farm that I shot the does on next weekend,and the following week is our shotgun season so I'll be spending quite a bit of time on the weekends in the stand for the next few weeks.