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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. I've started finishing our basement,so we would probably use it for drywall and electrical stuff.

    Man Tv

    Yep,been watching it for about two weeks now.I like it....the wife not so much. Looks like quite a few of the shows that were on MOR transfered to MAN.
  3. As crappy as the Blues are playing,with a couple games in hand they could still sneak into a playoff spot.I hope they're buyers and not sellers at the trade deadline.
  4. Sounds like a great time!I agree,the Primos guys seem like top notch people.
  5. I'm still pulling for Huckabee. If he doesn't get in it seems like the lesser of two evils on who to vote for.I'm not a strong supporter of McCain by no means,but if it comes down to it I would take him over Hillary or Barrack Huessein any day.
  6. I really enjoy Pat's show!I'll have to check the website out. I notice that Dirct t.v. has a new channel that picked up a few of the shows from MOR.I belive it's 608.
  7. Great pics!Looks like a couple of nice fat does running around.
  8. A buddy of mine had one on his bow and took it off.He said it turns off after by itself to conserve batteries and that gets to be kind of a pain.Last week in DART league it turned off after he drew back and by the time he got it turned back on and focused on the target his time was up and he got a 0.He bought a Toxonic after we were done.
  9. I still have mine for sale in the classifieds if your interested Swampy.It's like brand new.Just let me know if your interested.
  10. Those are some great pics!Not really a bad seat in the house. We're taking my 4 year old daughter and my nephew to their first game on the 17th against the Blue Jackets.
  11. I'll shoot a doe anytime....rut or not.If I have 2 deer in the freezer then I'll pass on does.
  12. Quite a few of them around here.I framed and drywalled one for a guy from work a few years ago.From inside you would never no it was built inside a pole shed.His had 2 bedrooms,2 bathrooms,laundry room and a nice sized kitchen and family room.The only downside for our family would be no basement.Wouldn't be bad after the kids are grown and moved out though.
  13. So what did you think of the game?It was a close one.Blues won 1-0 in a shoot out. Looks like were going on the 17th.
  14. Last fall ,with the help of the forum members ,I planted about a half acre of turnips,rape,and winter peas.All total for fertilizer,lime, and seed I would say I had about $100 into it.I mowed it as short as I could and sprayed it twice.Then I took an old rotary hoe that I pulled out of the weeds and built a small cultivator to pull behind the 4 wheeler.I used my father in laws pull behind spreader to spread the lime and fertilizer and used my lawn spreader for the seed,and just ran it over to pack it into soil.That's about as basic as you can get.
  15. Another to add is "do whatever you want".I figured out that that absolutely doesn't mean what it sound like.
  16. Sounds like a good deal!Our Wal-Mart has had their hunting stuff put away for a month now.I did manage to pick up a Gorilla climber for $49.
  17. My season was decent.It started out REAL slow and REAL hot.I wasn't seeing much activity at all till the end of October when I started seeing some chasing and managed to bag two does in the same morning with my bow.I also tagged a doe on opening day of shotgun season at about 11 a.m. ,and a nice 2 1/2 year old nine pointer on Sunday of our first shotgun season.After that I passed on around 20 other bucks and does waiting for big boy to show up.I did see about a 160 and 140 that I just never could get a shot at.That was pretty much it.Almost time to start getting my food plot ready and prepare for next season.
  18. That's awesome!The Tuetels seem like a real stand up family.It's nice to see someone in their position put so much time and effort towards a great cause.
  19. Hockey for me!It's always been my favorite sport,but since we didn't have organized pewee leagues around here when I was growing up I played a lot of baseball.Still like to play a little pond hockey when I get the chance.
  20. Hmmm,pretty interesting. I have brown eyes,my mom has brown and my dad had green.My wife has blue eyes,her mom has brown and her dad has blue.Both of my kids have blue eyes.
  21. Sold some broadheads to Rem308.Great guy to deal with.No problems at all.
  22. You should have a blast!You better leave a little early because we have about 8" of snow.Hockey's a lot different seeing it in person than seeing it on t.v.You really get a feel for the speed of the game.I wish we were going tonight I would meet up with you.Should be a great game,but the Blues have been struggling lately.It will probably be close to a sell out,so the atmosphere should be awesome!

    weekend plans??

    Since we have about 8" of snow I'm probably going over to the inlaws and fire up the 4 wheeler up and pull my daughter around on the sled. Sunday going to the VFW and watching the game.

    Remote CONTROL

    That would be me! If cartoons are on it's because I want to watch them. What's funny is when I come home my one year old picks it up and brings it to me as soon as I walk in the door.I guess he doesn't like what momma has on.
  25. Congrats on the nubber!Always nice to end the year with all you're tags filled.