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Everything posted by okiedog

  1. okiedog


    I guess I'm just too old school. I tried expandables when they came out, but returned to my faithful Muzzy 3 blades.
  2. I guess I am the exception... The ones around the house I check them often, daily if I can. The ones 45 mins away I check weekly. I want to know what is moving and when it is doing it. As different stages take place I can note the movement and activity without actually seeing it in person. Checking cards paid off for me this last Friday. I worked half a day Friday and was driving the Mule around checking cards about 1:30pm. 30 yards from a camera on a green field I jumped one of the bucks I was wanting bedded down with a doe. I changed my hunt location that evening to the green field because of the sighting and at 4:30 I had that buck down.
  3. I was upset not to see the scores. I can take or leave the archery shoots but not showing the scores is my biggest complaint. I have over 10 years worth of MB videos but this year might be the last if the scores area thing of the past.
  4. okiedog

    Got a minute

    Man... Where ya been?! lol
  5. Savage model 16 Weather Warrior Accu-Stock/Tigger Left Hand bolt in 7mm08 with Nikon 3x9x50 Buckmaster.
  6. Thats crazy! I checked it yesterday and it was $49 so I jumped on in. Checked about an hour latter and it showed "out of stock". I guess they found some more and jacked the price back up.
  7. Here is the link again though... Bone Collector's Choice Bundle (Ultra Portable Hang-On Tree Stand & Set of 3 Rapid Rails): Hunting : Walmart.com?
  8. Kevin, its the same one you bought and the same link William posted. I just checked it again and now it says "out of stock online". I guess I caught it just right this morning.
  9. I bought the combo today online for $49.00 with the 3 rapid rail sections. I have 4 or 5 stands laying around I didn't even use this year, but at that price I'm still buying! lol
  10. Muggs... when you do have it done have 2 or 3 extra put on at the same time. Slide the others down on the serving above the cam. They will not really effect anything. That way when one breaks or becomes cracked you can just slide a new one up in its place.
  11. Awesome deal Tim! You will do great and I look forward to seeing it.
  12. Eastern! I live in South central Ok and see quite a few crosses between Easterns and Rios. I'm looking at 3 fans in my office (Rio, Eastern, mixed). The colors on your bird match mine eastern to a tee.
  13. okiedog

    Hey Okies!!!!

    Its sure starting to look rough. I have been watching forcasts for a few days, and boy today the threat levels are really getting high. It looks like its going to be a rough weekend in Okieland. I'm gonna try to get things battened down this evening and load the safe with as much as I can get in there. Everyone stay safe and keep you eye on the sky (or Gary England:cool:).
  14. I found where Tennessee proposed this April of 2011: Proclamation 11-11 Manner and Means of Hunting, Taking, and Trappingo Remove gauge restrictions for turkey hunting (legalizes .410) TWRA Makes Hunting Seasons Good luck to you. My 7 year old just got his first turkey using a youth 20ga.
  15. Thanks everyone! I just realized that my avatar pic with Wesley and I was taken about 40 yards from where he shot his bird.
  16. Well guys, sorry I havn't been around as much. Family, work, etc have been keeping pretty busy. I wanted to share my sons first turkey hunt. This past weekend was our youth hunt. I had to work Saturday, but that evening I went and roosted a couple of birds for the morning. They were around 250 yds on the other side of my property fence. I got Wesley up before light and headed out. Had one bird pretty hot on roost, but when he flew down he went quite. We called for about 30 mins and got him talking again. We crawled under a cedar and got into position. Shortly he popped over the hill and was headed straight in our direction. I wanted him close so I could count on a down bird for him. I gave him the "shoot" whisper at about 10 yds. 20 lbs 10" beard with 3/4' spurs. Not a bad first bird and a super happy little hunter. I'm pretty proud!
  17. I wasn't, but on my way to work this week I saw a gobbler blown up. That kind of got me pumped.
  18. I almost threw-up watching the video!! lol
  19. I bought my son a compact ultalight H&R 223 a couple of years ago. This year H&R offered a 20" 7mm08 light barrel in their barrel program. Sent my sons rifle off and recieved it back earlier this week. Have not had a chance to shot it yet though.