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Everything posted by okiedog

  1. okiedog

    10 Random Things

    1: direct descendant to Kit Carson 2: Choctaw Indian 3: I am 5th generation "John" in my family.. Son is 6th 4: 4th Generation owner of the land I live on 5: was semi-pro skateboarder in early 90's 6: partied with Billy Idol and John Stamos (Full House) on my 21st B-day 7: Have worked for the same company for 18+ years 8: Born on my Mothers B-day 9: Have stood on the stage of the Grand Ole Opry 10: Going to traffic court in a hour:D
  2. I was pretty wooly till this morning... I have traffic court today:hammer1: So I will start over..lol
  3. I think it doesn't have the luster to you, because you missed it. Being the second largest recorded in the state kind of makes it a big deal to some since most Okies have never felt one before. I was driving during the time, so I felt nothing. Had you been here though, I think you reply would be more like this: http://www.realtree.com/forums/showthread.php?t=96903
  4. How dare he come thru this state without letting the local Okies know!:cowboy:
  5. It was upgraded to 5.1.. second largest in state history.
  6. LOL.. Good friends will always remember!
  7. That sounds like a awesome trip and hunt. One for memories I'm sure.
  8. It is pretty cozy. No electric but it will have gas to run a wall heater. As far as inside and seating.... Two swivel office chairs and wall to wall carpet:clown:
  9. okiedog

    Coffee Pots

    I have a Bunn in my shop at the house and I really like it. The reason for staying on all the time is so it brews hot water instead of just the warmer under the pot. Bad thing being... if it is not used quite often, it will evaporate the water in the holding tank.
  10. Inside might be hard. All of the inside is painted flat black, plus a couple of the windows are tinted. I'll try to take some pictures from the windows this weekend.
  11. I forgot to take pictures during progress of this build and forgot I never posted a picture of the new blind. I snap a quick photo from my phone on the way back to the house yesterday morning.
  12. Ours starts in the morning as well Kandi. Best of luck to ya'll for a great season too.
  13. I'm in the same boat. My son will turn 6 Nov 1st. He will be getting the Mission Menace. You can get them in pink as well. http://missionarchery.com/Menace-bow.asp
  14. All I see are BACKSTRAPS!:clown:
  15. White shaft, 2 White feathers, White barbed feather cock vane
  16. Beat him at his own game. Set up a easy to find spot, put up a old junk stand, cheap camera, and clear a spot for a mineral site. Instead of putting minerial in the fresh dirt, loaded it down with a product called "Deer Away". People use it in their gardens and flower beds and can be found at most any hardware store. I nice big file does wonders for creating those big rubs on the tress as well. Just say'n...lol
  17. This is not the flagship bow for 2011 Mathews.. From what I understood this is a specialty bow that had a early teaser release. Flagship bow/s will be released in November. I have no doubt there is a market for this one, because there will always be the guy that has to have the most expensive of everything. The average guy isn't going to buy it, but there are people out there with alot bigger wallet than me that will.
  18. .. the price that is:surrender:. The early release of a McPherson series comes in with a MSRP of $2100.00:jaw:. I hope this is not a sign of what is coming in the 2011 Mathews Solocam line. http://mathewsinc.com/mathews-bows-13312-44-ViewProduct-1521-324.asp
  19. Last one I had done was upwards of $500.. I did get a tine repaired and went up to a prem form. Alot of people do not think about form quality but to me it sure makes the mount stand out for a little more money. If I kill a big body deer.. I do not want it on a "pencil neck" form. Just my thoughts and reasons.
  20. okiedog

    Guess who?

    Whats up Ryan?!.. Jason and I still laugh about the crow thing when you was at the house...lol
  21. Are you talking about painting the fletchings or painting the shafts before you fletch? I will tell you this.. in order for the florescent paint to work corerect it has to be sprayed on a white surface. I paint the end of all of my shafts with a white epoxy paint before I fletch them. It adds only around a 1/4 of what a wrap does.
  22. Same here Strut... There is very little difference in my POI from 10-20 yds. Not enough to dedicate a pin for 10yds.