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Everything posted by okiedog

  1. You pretty much have made your own choice. Even if everyone here tells you to shoot them, that thought will always be on your mind. You have to have complete confidence in your equipment (bow, arrows, gun, bullets, etc). When I walk into the field, I have no doubts about the preformance of what I'm carrying and the preformance.
  2. okiedog

    Steaurus 2000

    Now there is a piece of work there! They say it takes all kinds, just glad that kind is not around me. ahhh.. The rural life.
  3. Yeah.. same here. I thought we were on to something.
  4. That is a nice deer and a unusual mount. Is the number we are looking for from a individuals tape or from a certifed scorer? Those numbers have a tendency to be different sometimes. Are we looking for gross score or net?
  5. Around 131 is what I'm seeing.
  6. Nice set up.. we always built ours out of t-posts and hog panels in the "6" pattern. Like this one. We just never used that many posts though.
  7. Soon as it went in the air it started spinning like a top!.. Amazing
  8. For those of you that spray your food plots (round-up / fertilizer) do you use any type of tracking colorant in your mixture? If so, what are you using and where are you getting it? I found a product called Mark-It Blue put it only comes in a 1/2 pt container. According to mix ratios that treats just 8 gals. Looking for something maybe a little larger.
  9. I have yet to find anything a hog will not eat.. including another hog:no:
  10. Yes.. but she knew that going in. I, one the other hand, have heard her say this year she is ready for season to open this year. Mainly because we ran out of ground meat couple of months ago and she is having to buy it at the store:clown:
  11. I have a 3x9x50 and a fixed 4x Buckmaster. Both great clear scopes.
  12. Sorry about your stuff.. it sucks for sure. Good to see you back though Brad.
  13. I think Oklahoma needs a Compound/ Recurve/ Longbow Season that runs Sept 15th-30th:clap:
  14. I have never seen any! I think it is just the state I hunt:hammer1::ninja:. I wish I lived in Ohio where I would have a chance to put a deer on the wall:D
  15. Thats when that good friend that doesn't have the same job takes care of the situation for you:stretcher:
  16. If we are talking favorite..... 3 egg western omlette, hasbrowns, texas toast with jelly, coffee and glass of water If we are saying "99% of the time"...... coffee
  17. I guessing the same time it does in Oklahoma... when they start getting in the trash:ninja:
  18. I have used about all the fletching glues out there over the years... The last few years I have only used Super Glue Gel. That is what I use on my inserts as well.
  19. I had Trijicon night sights put on before I ever left the shop with my Glock. So I have no experience with the factory sights.
  20. okiedog


    It is a little warm here for sure. What brings you to Oklahoma Scott?
  21. You are correct, string issue. After break in, there should be no twist in the string. If the loop is easy to turn, then you have another issue. I have seen people set the knots so tight, they actually seperate the serving under the knot.
  22. I have 12" aftermarket .19 fibers on my sight. I still have lights on all of my sights. I'm using adjustable rheostat lights, so they go from very dim to very bright.
  23. Here are some NOS still in the package, and can be bought for a little of nothing:D http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1008264