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Everything posted by okiedog

  1. okiedog

    Hot topic today

    That brings back memories of little league baseball. I'am suprised those trees around the ballfield survived. There were always more limbs sicking up out of the stands than there was sticking out of the trees. :no::whip:
  2. Africa hunts never really excited me personally, but a free hunt is a little different. If it was offered to me though, I probable still couldn't afford to make the trip. Really depends on how much the phrase "free" paid for. Cost to get over there, getting animals back, etc would more than likely kill that trip for me.
  3. Based on you saying that you will be buying ammo, and wanting to shoot 500-1000yds I came up with the 300 WinMag. I own one and I really love it.
  4. I stumbled onto this article today. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://bres.ws/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/Firewood-pile_Br%C3%A6ndestabel.jpg&imgrefurl=http://bres.ws/tag/firewood/&usg=__WxNFn0UCPI284-npDK0css2cyLg=&h=666&w=900&sz=463&hl=en&start=75&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=RAlGvUYVERZUtM:&tbnh=108&tbnw=146&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dregulating%2Bair%2Bflow%2Bfor%2Bwood%2Bstove%26start%3D60%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26ndsp%3D20%26tbs%3Disch:1
  5. I like the logo on the cabinet door. I have done similar things using vinyl and a sandblaster.
  6. I really dont remember what my set-up was back in 2004... A Mathews SQ2 I think:confused:
  7. That blind is pretty cozy with the heater and carpet in it. When the sandman comes though, he shows no mercy on the conditions. Here is a ground blind:rockon:
  8. I've got a set of those pics from this year. 20 mins before deer come into field. Deer in field. :sleep1:
  9. When Wesley would see the Golden Arches he would holler " ChickenDonalds!" He had too many chicken nuggets I guess..lol
  10. okiedog


    Now its made its way to MSNBC.....:alien: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/40602938#40607322
  11. okiedog


    For some reason Channel 4 KFOR did a story on this last night at 10. Talk about hurting for news....
  12. I think he thought there was a hole on the top of the skull. At first glance I thought the same. They look real nice.
  13. I have a Nikon 3x9x50 Buckmaster on my 300 WinMag.
  14. I think they could hoist one more sitting on top:clap:
  15. If it is the same deer, he did put on some mass and length on his next set. If not, its the same genes. 2nd pic could be the breeder buck for the 1st.
  16. Yeah... I laughed out loud on that comment. For crying out loud, its a deer camp! If they thought that was alot of guns that don't want to come to my camp. I always take mulitple guns with me. Things happen, and if I bump my scope good I don't want to wonder if its still on. I get another gun out of the truck.
  17. Can't say that I do. I pretty much stick to the basics.
  18. I was interested in a Vanguard until I found they only make them in RH bolt. For the money they sound like a great gun.
  19. I think that other 2" is behind him in the picture:p
  20. Congrats Kev... good looking buck!