I've got a couple DIRTY THIRTIES and I have taken my fair share of deer with them back in the day. I can remember as a kid, our deer camp would have about 6 or 8 of them. As a young hunter I carried a 30Cal M1 carbine.
My wife did kill her first deer with a old favorite though.
I was curious about the same topic last year. I sent a e-mail to a guy up there and this is the response he sent me back.
Thank you for your interest in Turkey hunting in the State of Kansas. We receive several inquires each year about the best time of year to pursue turkeys in our great state. It is a very over looked fact that the turkeys here prefer the cool windy wet days of late spring. This is very uncommon for turkeys in general but very normal for our Kansas birds. If you do decide to make the trip, we wish the best of luck.
Tom Byrd
Turkey Tourism of Kansas
I'am in the woods before daylight with a loaded vest, but usually by the end of the hunt I have tossed the vest and put a few calls in my pants pocket for the "run-n-gun"..lol