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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: DAYLIGHT SAVINS TIME Just set them ahead at 2:00. its 3:25pm here now, instead of 2:25...... i better get to bed! its kind of hard for the first few days, with the different schedule. but it sure is nice to be able to be out in the woods or out in the boat fishin an hour longer!
  2. Re: Red Neck joke for today LOL! Good one Martin!
  4. Re: moving on up.... way to go buckfever, man you are one mean green postin machine!
  5. Re: What a true hunting buddy! LOL funnnnnny!
  6. Re: Very emotional afternoon. (pics) sorry to hear that buddy it was like that when my grandpa died. he was in the hospital and we were told that it wouldnt be long. it sure was hard to see him like that, knowing that it could be the last time that i might see him. cherish every moment you have with him, have some good times and some good laughs.
  7. Re: I am on flood watch! yep i hear ya muff, its been raining ALL day, we're supposed to be getting 40-50mm of rain thats like 2 inches. the power keeps flickering here too! its supposed to rain all day tomorrow too. if we get much more rain, i'll have to take a canoe to class!
  8. Re: Pope John Paul II has Died yup, just heard it on CNN
  9. Re: What a great weekend..... [ QUOTE ] SOunds Fun! SNOW IN APIRL? Shoot [/ QUOTE ] LOL yup! we sometimes get it in May!
  10. Re: Does anyone ride Harley\'s? nope, i dont ride one. i have been on one a while ago, it was a blast!
  11. Re: How fast they grow wow! he sure did grow up quick!
  12. Shaun_300

    April 2nd?

    Re: April 2nd? nice view Chris! yup, same thing here, friggin rain and snow, well it switched over to rain now, what a mess! and its only +1 (34) out and theres 45kph.... and the next four days are supposed to be 50-60F
  13. Re: Nyers-- question on weather... [ QUOTE ] Yep, they are going to get wet!!! LOL!! [/ QUOTE ] LMBO! i guess thats a true statement!
  14. Re: I am not the only one missing hockey LOL good one Muff!!
  15. Re: Bolt Guys--Gear Heads Too 8.8 bolts are metric bolts. they are made from low or medium carbon steel, quenched and tempered. they have a tensile strength of 600 MPa. (mega pascals) they aren't always the same size. you could have the an 8.8 grade bolt and it could come in many sizes. as for your question, the rule of thumb is to use the same grade bolt that came out of it, or stronger. the bigger the number on it, the stronger the tensile strength is. i knew those first semester notes would come in handy someday. i am in the automotive technician student at college, if you were wondering how i knew all this stuff....
  16. Re: What would you rather hunt?????????? definetly deer, no turkey season here!
  17. Re: What kind of lid...... work and play i wear my Snap-On Racing hat! (i'm an automotive technician)
  18. Re: Kids back yard fort...soon to be turkey blind right on!! thats awesome!
  19. Re: Have a great weekend have a good weekend bud, sounds like you need it! I'll be working on a 30 page essay....
  20. Re: Would you pay... not even close! Must be an April Fools joke!
  21. Re: Diabetic and Heart Problems! SHEESH!!! Why Now? Sorry to hear about this John I'll be prayin' for ya bud.
  22. Re: Pope John Paul II i have been watching CNN all afternoon. everyone is saying that there isn't much hope for his health turning around. they also say that the survival rate of whatever condition he has is only 20-30% for people in GOOD health conditions. so it doesn't look good folks....
  23. Re: You\'ve heard the phrase... LMBO! thats a good one Racksie!
  24. Shaun_300

    PETA Rules!!!!!

    Re: PETA Rules!!!!! lol didnt get me on that one!
  25. Re: This place sucks... LOL!! got me too! good one!