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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: Homosexual elementary students???? wow, i think its pretty stupid to suspend an elementary kid for joking around with one of his peers. and i also don't believe that an elementary student can be "gay". i do not think that children that age can relize that they're gay at that age. and for someone to suspend a student because they used that word is pretty crazy. when i was in elementary school, and we used inappropriate language, we would get sent to the principal's office and get a tongue rashin, thats a bout it. gay isnt even a "bad word" so why the heck could someone be in the right mind to suspend a student for this. pretty rediculous if you ask me.....
  2. Re: I almost forgot..... LOL you had me!
  3. Re: little brother in the hospital glad to hear your bro is ok coles. sounds like he is doing pretty good now!
  4. Re: First of the season nice sheds!
  5. Re: Now That\'s A Spider.... HOLY SMOKES that would put any tarantula to shame!
  6. Re: Amazing Over THe Shoulder Action!!! awesome! that sure sounds like fun!
  7. Re: Friday Is The Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome! sounds like fun! good luck, hope ya get some nice ones.
  8. Re: Close Call On The Lake Yesterday! dang! close call man! ya really gotta be careful out on the ice this time of year, especially where you are! we still have 30"+ up here, took the fish shack off last weekend though. glad you made it back ok!
  9. Re: Few new pics nice pics Tonya! time to go out and get some bacon
  10. Re: April Fools Jokes? [ QUOTE ] Tellling my mom and dad I got a girl pregant on Valentines night at the Club! [/ QUOTE ] it'll be interesting to see their reaction to that one!!!
  11. what kind of pranks is everyone doing for april fools day tomorrow?
  12. Re: Heads UP! WARNING!!! dang, that sucks OJR!! i sure hope the FBI can catch them! good luck!
  13. Shaun_300

    It's Over

    Re: It\'s Over its sad in a way, for sure. but all in all, she is in a much better place, with no suffering now. Rest In Peace.
  14. Shaun_300

    BIG NEWS!!

    Re: BIG NEWS!! congrats on the near headgear Tony, keep the posts comin!
  15. Re: little brother in the hospital Hope your bro gets feeling better soon. sounds like my brother, my lil huntin and fishin buddy. prayers sent west
  16. Re: What lives in your back yard? the neighbour's cat that comes and does his business on my lawn. Awesome pics guys, i sure would rather a deer doin his business on my lawn than a dang cat!
  17. Re: Need a break.... Good Luck with the work Ruth. I am in the same boat. i have a 30 page essay due monday, other than that, it looks like the rest of my slate is clean. last day of classes is April 21st! then work starts May 2nd at the dealership. Take care!
  18. Re: Ha..ha...(not so) very funny LOL! at least its not a sample of "male enhancement"
  19. Re: I WANT TO KNOW yeah i saw it earlier today too i think....
  20. Re: Good Lord I\'m Sore dang thats a lot of gravel, no wonder you're sore!
  21. Re: World Record Bear DANG that bear is BIG!!!!!
  22. Re: I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! But I am feelin weak.... you're doin a good thing VT! its great that you have the motivation to do something about it. don't give up bud! my dad was a bit overweight too, he is 6'2" and he was 260 pounds. within a couple of months he was down to 220 pounds. looks great! everyone asked him if he was on the Atkins diet, he wasn't he was on "Dave's Diet" as he called it what he did was basically the same thing as you. he cut his eating in half, and only drank water and juice. he might of had 1 beer a week. and he would also go for a walk downtown with Mom in the evenings, and he started using my weights as well. I have faith in ya man! you can do it, keep at it... git'r dun!
  23. Re: A good friend lost cause of drugs. wow, sorry to hear this Casey my thoughts and prayers sent to his family.
  24. Shaun_300


    Re: anyone our season doesnt start until the first week in November.