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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: Diesel Pump Rant [ QUOTE ] I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice. [/ QUOTE ] we usually are, but once we get ticked at an idiot like this, we arent so nice
  2. Re: thanks to the man upstairs wow, thats great news. praise the Lord!!
  3. Re: Going to Kansas have fun in Kansas Racksie! have a safe trip!
  4. Re: Funniest thing on the internet LOL!! MAN THATS FUNNY!! what a laugh on him eh? and his accent was hilarious too!!
  5. Shaun_300

    Surgery tomorrow

    Re: Surgery tomorrow good luck Nut, i'm sure it will go well and you'll have a quick recovery!
  6. Re: First gun that you ever bought? first gun that dad bought me was a Remington 870 Wingmaster 12ga. first gun that i bought by myself was a Browning BLR .300 WSM
  7. Re: Truck is in...(pix) AWESOME TRUCK HARVDOG!! congrats on the new wheels bud! sure is a beauty!
  8. Re: Its snowing WOW!!! MAN THATS A LOT OF GEESE!! that sure would have been fun to be along on that trip eh? sure woulda went through a few boxes of ammo!
  9. Re: 270 vs 30.06 i would definetly go with the .30-06, they will reach out to the long distances and like Jim said, you can get basically ANY cartridge for the .30-06, i would have to say it is the most popular and versitile cartridge on the market.
  10. Re: Sheriff Joe Arpaio, the toughest there is! that guy sure is smart!! i think all jails should be like this!! the way they should be!
  11. Re: Diesel Pump Rant what an idiot! if someone did that to me, ohhhhh boy! i wouldnt have been a happy camper. I tell ya, some people these days... no patience and no respect, you would THINK that he would take into consideration that a Jetta takes a little less time to fill than a 3/4 ton truck... like the others said, they think that their time is worth so much more than yours.....
  12. Re: College Exams Great Work man! i am in college, but in my program (automotive) we done have exams, what a relief! LOL
  13. Re: diver pics nice pics Justin!!
  14. Re: the loss of a Louisville Police Officer. wow, what a tragedy my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and fellow officers for their loss.
  15. Happy Birthday Tom!! hope ya have a good day!
  16. Re: Couple Pictures With My New Digital Camera awesome pics Chrud!
  17. Re: Sons new pictures came into today nice pics, you son sure is a cute one!
  18. Re: CamelNS and friends antlers ( pic ) wow, awesome racks!
  19. Re: Sad Day At The Office... wow snipe, sorry to hear about that bud scary eh? my thoughts and prayers go out to family and friends.
  20. Re: Neighbors dog poop in my lawn....busted !!! LOL @ TSBH all is funny except the suicide part! man thats crazy. the neighbours cats always lay their cable in my yard too i chase the cat out of my yard, and then take the shovel and scoop the poop onto their yard. then theres this dog that lives next to my grandma's tourist resort, always comes on our property on the beach or on the lawn and does his duty. i chase the dog back to his own yard and i take the shovel and throw his poop over onto their property, man, nothing agrivates me more than a pet coming and layin cable on my lawn, or my grandma's dont get me wrong, i LOVE dogs, not so much cats but that really ticks me off!
  21. Re: Falconry that sounds awesome!! man that would be fun!
  22. Re: Had to call 911 wow, sure hope they were ok. ya did a good deed there Ruth!
  23. Re: New you'll love it here, good place to learn lots of stuff from lots of hunters!
  24. Re: New hey dh10, i'm 18, how old are you?
  25. Re: New to the forum hey there, welcome to the forums! i am from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada