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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Shaun_300

    My nephew

    Re: My nephew he'll be a tall guy like me! i'm 6'4" algebra can be a tuff thing to get ahold on, i hope he does well!
  2. Re: Being Bored??? i LOVE that show!! man there sure are some awesome chases on that show eh?!
  3. Shaun_300


    Re: Hogs awesome pics Gus!
  4. Shaun_300


    Re: Deer cool pics! nice to see that your camera is working
  5. Re: Turkey very nice pics Gus, they big lads will show up sooner or later
  6. Re: Few big Gobblers.... awesome pics Todd, i love the last one too.. only one problem... theres three males and only two females!
  7. Re: STILL have horns.... cool pics todd! man, thats hard to believe that they STILL have their horns! they should be coming off soon! they have been off the deer up here since late december or early january
  8. Re: new pictures great pics mike! nice deer and nice birds!
  9. Re: They grow up quick Congratulations to LittleNut! its great when they have a passion for something and they try their hardest no matter what. i can tell it sure makes dad proud!
  10. Re: I had an awesome day!! [ QUOTE ] Sounds like you're ready for fishin'. What do you fish for? [/ QUOTE ] i fish for: pike, walleye, smallmouth and largemouth bass, trout, musky, whitefish, perch, and sometimes mudpout at night. i met this guy at the show that has a fishing show up here. you can view the show online on that site. there are also forums there that are pretty neat too. i am shaun_300 there too, just joined a few minutes ago i met Aaron, the administrator of the forums and one of the guys off the show. check it out! Getting Hooked
  11. hey guys i was at the Toronto Sportsman's show today, i met the guy that has a fishing show up here that you can view online. you need high-speed to watch the shows, but the site has other cool stuff including a forum. the guy's name is Aaron that i met, he's the administrator of the forum and one of the guys on the show. really cool guy! check it out if you're interested! Getting Hooked
  12. Re: is a 308 good enough for Saskatchewan the .308 is a great deer caliber. a lot of people under estimate how good of a caliber they are. they have almost identical ballistics as the .30-06. dad has owned one for years along with most of the other people i hunt with. the ammo is a little better to carry because of the shorter cartridges, thats about the only difference between the .308 and the .30-06.
  13. Re: which rifle for elk either of your rifles would take an elk down no problem. i'd take whatever gun you like better and are more accurate with. its the shooter that decides what can take an animal down, not the rifle a well placed shot from either of those guns won't have a problem. i happen to be a magnum boy and i'd take my .300 WSM
  14. i just got back from Toronto, the Toronto Sportsman's Show was on there. MAN the traffic was BAD there today well i guess that city is never good for traffic anyways, it was a blast! i ended up getting a new ultra-lite rod. its really nice! i have two others that are identical, but just different lengths and actions. its a Rapala Sportsman IM-6, 5'0". i also have the 5'6" light action, and the 7'0" medium action. it was an awesome day!
  15. Re: met some forum members sweet! i just got back from the Toronto Sportsmans show, it was awesome too!!
  16. Re: Good Afternoon! i was in Toronto all day at the Toronto Sportsman's Show it was awesome! bought me a new ultra-lite fishin rod!
  17. Re: FINALLY!!!!! congrats on gettin some horns! keep the posts comin!
  18. Re: Yet another Blonde joke LOL!! thats a good one!!
  19. Re: How old is everybody???? 18, turn 19 December 4th.
  20. Re: What\'s your favorite Slogan or Saying........ "the new Dodge SRT-4.... imports... PREPARE FOR EXPORT!!!"
  21. Re: EVEN GREATER NEWS! right on man! congrats!
  22. Re: waterfall cool pic man!
  23. Re: Went for a ski... sounds like ya had a blast! i love going out for a skidoo ride, or a walk in the bush this time of year to see what i can find!
  24. Re: Quad/Wheeler Discussion [ QUOTE ] It's pretty pointless to own since it's not 4 wheel drive... and my dad always seems to point this out everytime I talk about going hunting or if I have to ride his for whatever reason. [/ QUOTE ] 2x4's are just fine. like Jim said, they'll go anywhere but mud. the bikes i drive are 4x4 on command, and i havent had to use 4x4 yet. as long as you keep out of the mud, they're fine.