Hey Everyone!
turkeys have been introduced here in my part of Ontario for the past few years now. there is currently no season in the WMU that i hunt in, but i am sure there will be a season for turkeys soon there because of the growing population of turkeys in that area. i'll be interested in hunting them and i have a few questions for you turkey hunters. the main one is about my shotgun setup. i have a Remington 870 Wingmaster 12ga. it has a 26" barrel, and a full choke. it is only chambered for 2 3/4" shells though. would this be ok for taking birds if i use nitro magnum loads? what shot size should i use? i am totally new with all this, so don't mind all the questions also, its a regular gun, so would i need to get one that doesnt give a glare off of the barrel and stock? i know i will need a full atire of camo, which i have, except for a face mask, which i can get. thanks in advance for the help and advice