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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Shaun_300

    Jury Duty

    Re: Jury Duty that sucks man! i got a thing in the mail a while back, made a pretty lame excuse to get out of it i think its pretty stupid to make everyone do that!
  2. Re: Being Discreet... LOL!!
  3. Re: 3lb Crappie!!!!!! awesome lookin crappies there gator, man that 3 pounder is a HOG!! awesome catch bud!
  4. Re: Realtree Road Trips Question LOL i was thinkin the same thing!
  5. Re: Fish Batter sounds good mike! man, lots of new recipies to try! they all sound great, keep em comin'
  6. Re: Made My Choice!!!!!!!! that is one sweet lookin rifle CamoKing!! i would get that over the Mossberg anyday!
  7. Re: Continuing with the Blonde jokes... LMBO!! man thats FUNNY!!! Good one HarvDog!!
  8. Re: Fish Batter [ QUOTE ] I haven't tried this one yet, but I plan to as soon as I get out again. (I think I saw this one posted here a while back if I'm not mistaken) 1 bag of Cool Ranch Doritos 1 Bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos Crush into crumbs - mix together drag filets through beaten eggs and fry [/ QUOTE ] I'll have to give that one a try... that sounds GOOD!!
  9. Re: I think we need........ that sounds like a good idea to me! it should be moderated by dogdoc and Oneida_Man. Martin grows some pretty good stuff for them big bucks!
  10. Re: Once in a lifetime! wow! that would be an awesome experience!! hopefully the pics turn out!
  11. Re: Top 15 lines used by the police LOL those are some funny lines!
  12. Re: Dead muley pic wow! that is a HUGE muley! too bad he didnt make it, he would have been enourmous this year!
  13. Re: first drop tine awesome find sureshot!
  14. Re: Finally Got My 835! congrats on the new gun Chrud!
  15. Re: They\'re Back!! i saw a pile of them on the way to, and in Toronto yesterday too! same with those dang seagulls, they're back too.... unfortunately
  16. Re: Since you been gone..... i have the same problem with "why dont you and i" by chad kroeger/santana!
  17. Re: lost memebers???? i havent heard of them in a while either, have no clue where they dissapeared to.
  18. Re: Giant Oklahoma Rattler??? wow, thats a huge snake. to me it does look photoshopped. that would be one brave guy to be holding a rattle snake of that size like that i would think that the snake would be trying to bite him at that distance! if the snake was dead when he was holding it, wouldnt it be strung straight out? not curled like that? i'm really not sure either, but it looks photoshopped to me. also, i dont know about you, but holding 89 pounds like that with your left arm would be a challenge if you ask me!
  19. Re: Thinking About Starting Turkey Hunting, a few ??\'s thanks alot for all the help lads!
  20. Re: Thanks MCH!!! LMAO!!
  21. Re: Oh Yeah, 2000 Posts Baby! congrats on the 2K fellow moron!
  22. Hey Everyone! turkeys have been introduced here in my part of Ontario for the past few years now. there is currently no season in the WMU that i hunt in, but i am sure there will be a season for turkeys soon there because of the growing population of turkeys in that area. i'll be interested in hunting them and i have a few questions for you turkey hunters. the main one is about my shotgun setup. i have a Remington 870 Wingmaster 12ga. it has a 26" barrel, and a full choke. it is only chambered for 2 3/4" shells though. would this be ok for taking birds if i use nitro magnum loads? what shot size should i use? i am totally new with all this, so don't mind all the questions also, its a regular gun, so would i need to get one that doesnt give a glare off of the barrel and stock? i know i will need a full atire of camo, which i have, except for a face mask, which i can get. thanks in advance for the help and advice
  23. Re: Doesn\'t get much better than this! awesome fish Ruth!!
  24. Shaun_300

    Hey G.W!!!

    Re: Hey G.W!!! good to hear you're feeling ok Gary. man i sure had a scare when i first saw that you had a wreck. didnt want to see my buddy get hurt, or lose him. you're a good man GW, and a lucky one too. i dont know what it would be like without ya around bud. all i can say is that i'm happy you are ok! and hopefully we can get bear huntin and fishin like we were talking about
  25. Re: which rifle cool! i have never heard of or saw a "cetme" before. neat looking gun!