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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: Not again!! yeah i was just told that. what a tragedy my thoughts and prayers sent out to the families.
  2. Re: Oklahoma Storm Pics WOW! awesome pics Kyle, man i love storms! i always sit out on the porch and watch the storms, or watch out my window at night! Tornadoes especially have always facinated me thats a nice rainbow there eh! great pics, thanks for sharing!
  3. Re: Your Bumper Stickers [ QUOTE ] I don't have any on my truck. I did see a woman with a sticker on her truck that said " If Your Gonna Ride My A@@, At Least You Could Pull My Hair" [/ QUOTE ] LOL!! i like that one! i dont have my own vehicle yet, i dont think i'd put any bumper stickers on it anyway. all depends what kind of vehicle it was i guess.
  4. Re: Went Bunny Hunting sounds like you had a good time out in the woods Jim! those beagles sure are good rabbit dogs! i plan on getting one when i get out of college!
  5. Shaun_300

    Drug Problem

    Re: Drug Problem even though i'm Canadian... good post man!
  6. Shaun_300

    most annoying...

    Re: most annoying... DEFINETLY mosquitoes and blackflies. dang mosquitoes cant find another place to buzz than right beside your ear!!! and the blackflies cant find any other spot to bite ya other than IN the ears, or behind your ears. MAN thats annoying!!
  7. Re: I\'ve Gone Digital! sounds good Chrud, good luck with it!
  8. Re: Toms pay a visit! awesome pic! good lookin birds, hopefully they'll stick around!
  9. Re: Why Do you Come To RealTree Forums? its awesome here! the people are great, you learn lots of stuff about huntin. and its a pretty nice envirnment, with the lounge, you can just talk about anything and have a good time! plus, i'm addicted to the forums too.
  10. Re: big deer! dandy buck!
  11. Re: Elk Shedding Pictures! dang!! that is AWESOME! very good pics!
  12. Re: Another Unbelievable Story wow he defineltly deserves more than a 15 day suspension for that mistake!!!!!!!!
  13. Re: Hogzilla--Look Closer (pic) LOL nice catch Chris!
  14. Re: Carbonhunter\'s True Colors LMAO!!
  15. Re: Snow is melting fast... most of the snow here in Belleville is gone. its been above freezing for the past week or so!
  16. Re: your car/truck licence plate slogan? ours is Ontario "Yours To Discover"
  17. Re: I just bought a new toy! nice machine swampy! i bet you'll have some fun with that!
  18. Re: I hate being sick! luckily i havent been sick in a while *knock on wood* hope ya get well soon TG!
  19. Re: Firearm Selection Welcome to the Forums!! i agree with jcwa, for accuracy and mininum pelt damage, i'd go with the .222 or .223! i use a .22-250, but that can do a little damage on the prey that i use it on, mainly groundhogs
  20. Re: BIIIIIIIIG FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISH!!! [ QUOTE ] Nice fish! A 60"pike? I think you might be a bit off on that one. [/ QUOTE ] i was thinking the same.... your talkin a 5 foot pike here... man that one in the pic is awesome!! great trophy for sure!
  21. hey guys, wanted to see if you had any scope recomendations for my rifle. its a Browning BLR .300 WSM. i will be mainly using it for deer hunting, but i might start moose hunting as well in the next year or two. i am leaning towards the Burris Fullfield II 3-9x40. any other suggestions? Thanks in advance for the help.
  22. Re: Made it to a spike congrats man! you'll be a 'moron' in no time... trust me!! keep the posts coming!
  23. Re: WHOS ALL READY FOR SPRING BREAK!!! already had my break about 3 weeks ago, did some ice fishin and put about 600kms on the skidoo!!
  24. Re: Deals on Wal Mart Steelshot man that is one HECK of a good deal! remington steel shot up here is at least 20 bucks a box! i get the winchester x-pert steel shot, 8.99/box...
  25. Re: Tornado season is here. yikes! the only storms we have to worry about right now are snowstorms i have only saw one tornado in my whole life. it was last summer, it ripped right across the lake, then onto land into the lumber mill and threw a whole pile of lumber into the lake and then it blew a huge poplar tree across a side road. theres hardly ever any tornadoes up here. i'm pretty thankful for that!! we get some huge thunderstorms with 100kph winds. two years ago there was a storm and i bet the winds were gusting at 140-150kph (90-95mph) that was pretty darn windy!