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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: WENT FOR FIRST TIME TODAY thats awesome va! i cant wait til college is over, and i can be at home finally and do some fishing!
  2. Re: Shooting from both sides. I can shoot from both sides as well. i am naturally right handed, but i can shoot left handed no problem. i defiently think that this a major advantage to the shooter.
  3. Re: Awesome NY weather! its awesome weather here too! highs up around 55F for the start of the week
  4. Re: I am a shooter now! congrats fever! thats some serious postin for just over 2 weeks! way to go bud
  5. Re: How Many Of You ????? LOL i come straight to the forums when i get on realtree i'll have to check that out!
  6. Re: Long Day!! sounds like Ty and his buddy had a good day! i would have thought that all the bucks would have lost their horns up there by now. i guess the odd ones are stubborn coming off eh?
  7. Re: Current pics--still horns.... awesome pics Todd, nice buck! hope ya get his sheds, then get HIM this season
  8. Shaun_300


    Re: Crappie Awesome Catch man! thats awesome that your girlfriend goes fishin' with ya!
  9. Re: Show yourself!! Here's me! i'm 18 years old, 6'4" and 175lbs.
  10. Re: DC Trip We used to go into Ottawa, which is the Capital of Canada, to the Parliament Buildings. this would be like the "white house" in DC. And in Grade 12, we went to Toronto to the Toronto International Auto Show for our Transportation Technology Class now THAT was fun! have fun in DC huntaholic!
  11. Re: MY first deer Congrats on your first deer! good shot man! Welcome to the forums too!
  12. one of my friends from the realtree forums and myself are working on our own hunting and fishing forums. its really neat starting your own board and making it just the way you want it we just made it a couple nights ago so its nothing huge yet. we are just getting the layout all setup the way we want it, and theres some posts in there already too. we made it so guests can post there as well as members, until we get more members, then it will be that you have to register to post. if you want to check it out, heres the link Hunting And Fishing Forums Make a post and introduce yourself if ya want to! I am CanadianHunter, and TNSportsman is J_Owens_66 from the Realtree Forums
  13. Re: Another visit! Nice Pics James! awesome lookin bird. the white stuff is almost gone here too
  14. Re: More Misc. Minnesota Pics cool pic Heather, gotta love seeing those woodies!
  15. Shaun_300

    Hunting too you?

    Re: Hunting too you? Welcome to the Realtree Forums DRB my view on hunting is very similar to yours. i go hunting to get out of the house, and enjoy nature. it doesnt matter if i get game or not. to me, getting out in the woods is what its all about, and getting game is a bonus. i am only 18, so i dont have any kids of my own yet, but i have lots of cousins, and i take them out as often as i can. i love seeing them with a smile on their face when they are enjoying the outdoors. and i cant wait until i have children of my own and i can take them out in the woods and teach them all about hunting, and respecting and enjoying nature.
  16. Re: Simplicity of EASTER Great post Martin, amen to that! Yesterday was the day Jesus was crucified, tomorrow is the day when Jesus rose from the dead. Let's remember the true meaning of Easter, and give thanks to the Lord.
  17. Re: Feeling alittle sad today.... yeah its amazing how attached ya get to animals. i wou=ld feel the same as you oh well, they'll be in a good home it sounds like!
  18. Re: Beast of a Ram that is one sweet ride right there!
  19. Re: Some good camouflage Thank God i live in Canada! none of the threatning, poisonous snakes up here! that copperhead sure blends in well with the ground, sure would make some nice camo... or boots at that! the only copperheads we have up here are BBs and Pellets
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!!! hope ya have a good day buddy!
  21. Re: See ya\'ll!!!!!!!!!!! have a great trip huntin girl!
  22. Re: 3/4\" groups!!! awesome shootin man! thats a pretty nice group out at 200 yards!
  23. Re: pump,lever,bolt i'm a lever man myself, with a bolt next in line. i like the lever because it offers a quick second shot if needed, they are lighter for lugging around the bush, and they are a lot easier to unload and load vs a bolt with the dang floorplate. as for varmint hunting, defiently bolt action. but for deer hunting, i'll stick with the Browning BLR .300 WSM
  24. Re: Spring Break huntin sounds like ya had fun Cole! gotta get out and get them yotes now
  25. Re: Heading to VERMONT tomorrow awesome! sounds like fun! cant wait to see some pics! Have fun Mike!