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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: SPRING BREAK!!!! have fun! mine was the third week of february
  2. Re: Cuddeback pics from Maine awesome pics!
  3. Re: Happy B-day joey Happy 1st Birthday Joey! before ya know it he'll be huntin with ya
  4. Re: there finally moving out LMBO! good one!
  5. Re: Sasquatch Hunting LMBO! man thats a good one!
  6. Re: 2005 Trophy Album awesome trophies everyone!
  7. Re: Last weeks Leaf River pics great pics Mike! looks like their new horns are sprouting!
  8. Re: Snow is melting fast... the snow is pretty much gone here. theres none in the forcast and it looks like the little thats left, wont be around for too much longer. looking at the forecast and seeing sun and above 0 (32F) temperatures for the next while doesnt look to promising for it staying around
  9. Re: here\'s the deal... either of these models are great guns, both would be good choices. i'd take the VLS myself.
  10. Re: Scope for my BLR? thanks for the advice guys! all i want is a good scope, thats not TOO expencive, probably 300 bucks (canadian ) max. i am defiently leaning to the Burris. i'd like a Leupold, but their pretty pricy! Jim- i saw that deal, that sounds like a bargin to me! i think i'll go with the 3-9x version, i'd get a 4-12x, but since i do so much close range hunting as well as in the field, i think i'll stick with the 3-9. i have a 3-9x on the .300 Win Mag, and in the field i usually dont crank the scope up past 5 or 6, past that its way too shaky, especially with a deer in the crosshairs! thanks again for the advice
  11. Re: anyone up for a test??? interesting info, thanks for sharing!
  12. Shaun_300

    need guys' opinions

    Re: need guys\' opinions you're right huntin girl. there is no reason why he shouldn't be able to join the band, that should be HIS choice, not his dad's. i was in the two school bands when i was in high school, it was a blast, and a great experience. there was the jazz band and the blues guys. my parents encouraged me the whole time. its great for your son to find something he would enjoy doing, and i definetly think it should be his choice to join or not. the best thing for you to do is talk to your husband and try to make him realize that your son has found something that he would be interested in doing, and tell him that it would be better to encourage him, rather than discourage him. it is responsibility, your son has to realize it, but if his grades are good, and he's apt to do it, then theres no reason why he shouldnt be able to. Good Luck
  13. Re: Did some trout fishing over break those sure are pretty fish, very nice colouring. nice catch carbon_hunter!
  14. Re: Nice matching set awesome sheds viper! lots of mass on that set for sure! great find man!
  15. Re: Thanks and a question those sure are great pics that you took man. unreal for sure. not too many people can be lucky enough to see an animal shed its antlers like that. awesome camera work from you for sure!! you were definetly in the right place at the right time, and there is no doubt in my mind that those things would make it into a magazine!
  16. Re: monster sheds WOW!! those are HUUUGGEEE SHEDS!!!
  17. Re: What Type Of Area To Find Sheds? the best place to find sheds are where the deer are located when the time of shedding takes place. marshes, forests, and sometimes fields are usually where you'll find them. if you know where the deer usually are during the shedding period, look in that area. you may have better luck posting this thread in the shed hunting room. the avid shed hunters will be able to answer your question no prob.
  18. Re: Overtime!!! sounds like a heck of a game Cory. you guys went far! congrats to you and your team for all the effort!
  19. Re: New Mount....... wow, awesome lookin mount!
  20. Re: Easter surprise how about Turkeybird... since your turkeygirl, call it turkeybird!
  21. Re: Put me out... yup, like the others said, steaming hot shower works for me! hope ya get feelin better soon Ruth.
  22. Re: How many forum members does it take? LOL First time i've seen it... pretty funny!!
  23. Shaun_300

    Number 5,000!

    Re: Number 5,000! LOL @ Steve congrats on the 5K Orlan, keep em comin!
  24. Re: Had fun last night with Monday Night Chat!!! had a great time in there again tonight too guys! and its wednesday! thanks for coming out its always fun in there. i might actually head back in there now! LOL
  25. Re: Two best days of your life?? (aside from famil two best days eh.... -i'd have to say shooting my first deer -shooting the deer i got this past nevember -getting my rifle this past december