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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: Any new toys planned this year? i dont think i'll be getting any more guns either. if i do it will be a shotgun, Remington 1100 in 28ga. i bought a Browning BLR .300 WSM in december, so that put a little dent in the wallet i still have to get a scope on it. it will probably have one by the end of may when college is done and i'm working.
  2. Re: Herd Management with Snipers. i dont agree with that one bit if they want the heard to be managed properly, they should do it in a more humane manor, let the hunters hunt in sunday. not go out there with high equipped sniper rifles and unload on them!!!
  3. Re: HE\'S BAAAAACKKKK welcome back steve! yeah it takes a bit of getting used to when you switch to a laptop. when i use dad's laptop it takes me twice as long to type something!
  4. Re: 9 Days of Lonsome and Sadness! [ QUOTE ] Who??? [/ QUOTE ] LOL!!
  5. Re: 9 Days of Lonsome and Sadness! hang in there bud, you'll get through it. it will be different without having him there everyday. funny you didnt mention you were going to miss your wife!!
  6. Re: Hogzilla on National Geographic 7PM March 20. sounds good! what channel is it on?
  7. Re: Is today... [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] its a pretty nice day here so far, its +5, about 40F, its calling for a rain/snow mix this afternoon though. [/ QUOTE ] Hey...Its 40F here and it started snowing a little bit ago....whats up with that [/ QUOTE ] yeah, weird eh? it can be below freezing and rain, when you want snow, and when you want the snow to go away, it can be above freezing and snow!
  8. Re: what do yall prefer up here we usually chase, i think thats the same as drive. or i also like sitting on the ground and waiting. in our gang we usually chase in the morning and sit in the afternoon.
  9. Re: Is today... its a pretty nice day here so far, its +5, about 40F, its calling for a rain/snow mix this afternoon though.
  10. Re: Fiance\'s dad passed away Friday. sorry to hear that prayers and condolenses sent.
  11. Re: I caught a cat burglar in my house last night LOL! thats quite the intruder there GW!
  12. Re: What Does Your Fishing License Cost? mine is $22.00 i think... am i right fisherguy? for the Ontario Sport Fishing Lisence? i know its between $21 and $23, i just forget the exact price!
  13. Re: Sheds from Ohio cool finds!
  14. Re: Huge Shed, Guess The Score it sure looked like a big one in the first pic now it looks like a pretty impressive stump!
  15. Re: Ten sheds found today .... pictures wow! looks like you had a great day out with the lady and found lots of nice sheds!
  16. Re: First one of the year.... Congrats to the young lady! i see the kids are already die-hard OSU fans!!
  17. Re: Oh Yeah...Im 18 Baby! LOL! Happy Birthday man!! 18 is always the big one in my area of Ontario because we are so close to Quebec, (i can see Quebec from my house ) and legal drinking age is 18 there, here in Ontario its 19, so they all go over there and go to the bars i can honestly say that i have never been over to a bar in Quebec yet, and i turned 18 in December #18 is an exciting one for sure, but along with that comes more responsibility, trust me! and ya cant forget that you can get in a lot more trouble now, and the punishment is a lot worse when you are 18! Have a good day man, sounds like you are off to a good start already!
  18. Re: is a 308 good enough for Saskatchewan sorry for the mistake sureshot. i know the .30-06 is stronger, but i didnt come up with that much difference. i double checked with the winchester website before i posted it. heres what i came up with... .308 - 150gr Powerpoint Velocity: 2820 fps (100 fps than .30-06) Energy: 2648 ft.lbs (191 ft.lbs less than .30-06) 180gr Powerpoint Velocity: 2620 fps (80 fps less than .30-06) Energy: 2743 ft.lbs (170 ft.lbs less than .30-06) .30-06 - 150gr Powerpoint Velocity: 2920 fps Energy: 2839 ft.lbs 180gr Powerpoint Velocity: 2700 fps Energy: 2913 ft.lbs
  19. Re: Georgia and Colorado have a safe journey to georgia and to colorado, i'm sure you'll have a blast! man i cant wait to get out on the course!!
  20. Re: And another blonde joke.... LMBO!! i've heard that one before, still makes me laugh though!!
  21. Re: LATER!! See you guys tomorrow! nice screen-name! good-night bud!
  22. Re: Its always somethin! LOL @ OJR my friends have had that happen to them sometimes. i havent... yet, i guess i look a bit more innocent then them eh?
  23. Re: I had an awesome day!! [ QUOTE ] Good to hear you survived that Toronto traffic...Man, your one brave soul [/ QUOTE ] LOL man, it was baaaaaaaad the 401 wasnt too bad, but once we got off to get on the Don Valley Parkway, that was a NIGHTMARE! i think it took us longer to get from 401/DVP exit to down near the Metro Convention Center/CN Tower area than to get from Belleville to Toronto on the 401
  24. Re: off to bed!!! good night Casey! time to go stare at the back of your eyelids eh?
  25. Re: I\'m on the Juice!!!! LOL!!