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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: Put A Face With the Name!!!!!!! LMAO @ JB!!! dang man! that is FUNNY!! talk about losing a mouthful of coke
  2. Re: BASS FISHING CONTEST!!!!! bass season doesnt open til the third saturday in june here. i guess i can give it a whirl from then until the end of july, our bass dont get as big as yours do oh well, it'll be fun anyway!
  3. Shaun_300

    Bronze Rat

    Re: Bronze Rat LMAO!! thats soooooo funny
  4. Re: What have I missed? LMBO @ Steve ya didnt miss too much Chris, same great place here at RT
  5. Re: ouch/pity party time hope your doing ok Fred. what happened?
  6. Re: first one in the area! thats awesome Frank! they just introduced them in my part of Ontario. it sure was really cool to see the first one! now the buggers are all over the place
  7. Re: Got me a Wild Hog! we all know what Ryan's eatin' for the next while! Congrats on the piggy Ryan!
  8. Re: Reality TV i dont watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition, but i LOVE Overhaulin' anything to do with cars, i'll watch it sure is amazing what they can do to a car in a week!!
  9. Shaun_300


    Re: Dreams LOL dang! that would have been a scary one i drempt that i was in class and my teacher showed me that i had a 38% as a final mark it was SO lifelike it wasnt even funny, in fact it must have been REALLY lifelike because i woke up and looked at the clock at 10:15... class started at 10:00
  10. Re: -3 this morning its a beauty day here!! +1c, 34F. its supposed to be above freezing for the rest of the week
  11. Shaun_300


    Re: Scopes my favourite scope on all of our guns is on our varmint rifle. Redfield 6-18x. its on our Remington 700 .22-250 and boy, does that thing drive tacks i like the looks of the leupolds too, but like Josh said, they are WAY overpriced. JMO.
  12. Re: The Truth About Sunday Hunting i am definetly all for sunday hunting. some parts of Ontario allow it, some parts dont. in the county that i live in and hunt in, we are allowed to hunt on sundays. i definely see no reason why we shouldn't be allowed to hunt on sundays. i do not understand on why some areas of both Canada and the US have laws against hunting on Sundays not everyone can get time off during the week to go hunting, and some people work six days a week, meaning that they only have the opportunity to go out in the woods on sunday. the way i see it, sunday hunting should be legal everywhere.
  13. Re: Finally I am getting out and going!!!! sounds like you had a great day out in the woods Russell!! sure found and saw some neat stuff!
  14. Re: its been two months!!!! congratulations man! thats a smart move!
  15. Re: NEW OKLAHOMA STATE RECORD!!!!!!! wow, thats pretty neat Kyle!!
  16. Re: Well I did it agian..... Man, another 3 year old post...
  17. Re: Pics from last 2 trips awesome looking fish Texan! man i wish we had largemouth like that up here
  18. Re: Waterfowl Mounts awesome mount Heather!
  19. Shaun_300

    chat tonight

    Re: chat tonight sounds good! i have quite a bit of homework to work on, it should all be done by then though
  20. Re: Extraordinary Handshake wow!! that sure is a miracle that doctor sure is a hero in my eyes, and i imagine everyone else in the world that sees this. it sure makes you appreciate how lucky we are to have surgeons like Dr. Joseph that can save the lives of others.
  21. Re: I\'m Back! And A big Thank you to... i have some troubles as well sometimes. it only lasts 10 or 15 minutes then i can get on. glad to see ya back Rich!
  22. Re: Realtree Staff is the class act thats awesome! it sure would be a blast to meet him. if there is ever a forum get together in NY, PA, OH, or any of the northeastern states, i would try my best to make it. it sure would be a blast!
  23. Re: Rcvd Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal today Congratulations Mike! you da man!
  24. Re: You gotta be kidding me.......... dang that sucks Kyle! send the snow this way will ya! i'm sure ya can find something to do, or the weatherman might be wrong.
  25. Shaun_300

    18th Anniversary

    Re: 18th Anniversary Congratulations Finn!