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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: Anyone else hear about this? DANG thats a big largemouth! a 5 pounder up here is a MONSTER! nice fish, congrats to the lucky guy that pulled that hog out!
  2. Re: after school trip sounds like another fun day man! keep pullin in the fish!
  3. Re: the honkers are pairing up! cool! they should be making their way to Canada pretty soon!
  4. Re: ANONYMOUS USERS.....and New Members great idea Clay, looks like we are getting a good turn out so far welcome to all the new users! you'll love it here.
  5. Shaun_300

    My daughters

    Re: My daughters thats cool BBH, your daughters look pretty happy with that load of bluegill! gotta love when ya see kids enjoying the outdoors!
  6. Re: Some Buckee poetry ...\"AUGUST\" wow Steve! thats an AWESOME poem!
  7. Shaun_300

    Big Snake

    Re: Big Snake thats a good sized snake! i'm sure glad we dont have those things up here i love snakes, but sure as heck wouldnt want rattlers and other poisonous ones in my area! we just mostly have garter snakes up here.
  8. Re: A sigh of relief! thats good news Kyle! glad to hear you're ok bud.
  9. Re: Nova Scotia hockey player makes it big man, Sidney Crosby is one HECK of a hockey player! he'll definetly make it to the NHL one day!
  10. Re: Don\'t want to make anybody jealous but... sounds like fun! hope ya have a good time!
  11. Re: after school trip sounds like you had a good outing! congrats on the fish man. i'm surprised the lakes arent frozen in Montana! theres 30 inches of ice on the lake i fish on!
  12. Re: Last Calling Trip Pic wow! awesome hunt! that sure put a dent in the varmint population!
  13. Re: A little poaching story of my own wow! thats quite the story! i dont understand why ANYONE could be so STUPID to do this kind of stuff. thats good that the DNR got the men! i hope they got what they deserved!
  14. Re: Back from Norway...After Action Report good to hear you made it back safe and sound TSBH!! awesome pics, sure is pretty scenery over there!
  15. Re: GW\'s Crashed Truck Pic\'s wow GW! thank the good Lord you're ok! when i first saw the thread in the lounge that Dave posted i though, oh man! what the heck happened to Gary?! then i read it, gee, what a scare. when i saw you were ok it was a big sigh of relief. the Lord sure was looking out for ya buddy! are you still well enough to play Deer Hunter 2005?? i hope the pain goes away soon bud.
  16. Re: I am a new uncle. congrats to you and your family Uncle Muff!! dang, that's a big girl eh! i though i was big when i tipped the scales at 8lbs 8oz
  17. kind of related to WILD_BILL's post, how did everyone come up with their realtree username? Shaun is my first name, and when i signed up, i hunted with a .300 Win Mag, now i hunt with a .300 WSM, so it still works!
  18. Re: Need a used laptop??? i'll take it!! .....not
  19. Shaun_300

    Best nickname?

    Re: Best nickname? i like IMINRUT too!
  20. Shaun_300

    Weird skull

    Re: Weird skull WOW! thats really cool!!
  21. Re: WHO HAS THE BIGGEST FEET i wear size 12.
  22. Re: Awesome hat!!! wow! realtree and dodge... couldnt be better!! nice lid harvdog!
  23. Re: My new avatar thats awesome, Ranger!
  24. Re: Want to help me with Research paper topic?! turkeygirl has a good one!! theres a good idea right there!
  25. Re: Single Shots... nope, not me. i dont like them at all. maybe for the range, but never to hunt with. if you need a quick follow up shot your screwed! i love my lever actions, you have a really fast follow up shot, if required the only single shot i use is my old Remington 812 20 guage.