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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: If you could hunt with a pro? Waddell or Bill Jordan!!
  2. Re: Put A Face With the Name!!!!!!! here's me! it was taken in February. dang! that pic looks pretty distorted when its shrunk i'll work on it and see if i can get it a bit better quality
  3. Shaun_300

    Big Snake

    Re: Big Snake WOW! that thing's HUGE!!
  4. Re: CHOMPIN\' PIZZA HERE!!! mmmmmmmmm!
  5. Re: Trout for dinner(pic) mmmmm that looks SOOOOOOOO good!! nice plates man, same as mine!!
  6. LOL thats a funny one!
  7. Re: Today must be promotion day! congrats HarvDog!!
  8. Shaun_300

    Poetry Kick

    Re: Poetry Kick oh well! put them up! i cant even rhyme two words lol, its all good!
  9. Re: Who\'s Gonna\' Win? LMAO! now THATS hilarious right there!!!
  10. Re: This Deer Got a Little Extra cool pics!
  11. Re: Game on: STEVE!!! LMAO good work Steve!!
  12. Re: WI DNR Busts Massive Deer Poaching Operation wow! what a waste! i sure am glad them idiots got caught!
  13. Re: What Should I Make? McDonald's!! the kids sure wouldnt argue with that! how about Lasagna?
  14. Re: Need prayers, PLEASE! sorry to hear about the ex, hope everything works out for you. good luck with the degree as well. prayers sent down to Maine
  15. Re: Another Poem - \"GrandDad\" another awesome poem Steve! sure touches your heart eh?
  16. Re: WHO HAS THE BIGGEST FEET jeepers sasksheds! your 17yr old nephew has pretty big feet! i'm 6'4" and i only have 12's
  17. Re: What Should I Make? hamburger helper! man that stuff is good!! or spaghetti.
  18. Shaun_300

    Mobil 1 Oil

    Re: Mobil 1 Oil synthetic is the way to go. being a college automotive student, TRUST ME, its WAY better than regular, conventional oil. the synthetic oil does not come out of the ground like regular oil, it is produced in labs. the best thing about synthetic oils, is that it sticks and stays in your oil passages in the main bearings when you turn the engine off. with conventional oil, the oil drains out of the oil passeges. therefore when you start your engine, there is a split second when the main bearings and crankshaft journals are not getting lubricated or cooled. this can reduce engine life, and cause damage over time. synthetic is the best way to go to prolong engine life.
  19. Re: Proud of Son congrats to Jarrett!! good job buddy! Norm, there is nothing wrong about bragging and being proud of your son's accomplishments! i would be doing the same thing.
  20. Re: It\'s Official!!! congrats John! i'll be up there with ya pretty soon!
  21. Re: Does it feel like Friday to anyone else? it feels like friday to me too went on a field trip to a dealership today and then was in shop class from 11-12:30... sounds like a friday to me, no school work!!
  22. Re: Cool Visitor cool pic! thanks for sharing. none of those things in my neck of the woods!
  23. Re: April 4th i toss my glasses! good luck Jim! one of my friends from Ohio had that done. he won $5000 at a casino in Florida and thats where the money went! he says he couldnt have spent it in a better place!
  24. happy birthday man! have a good one!
  25. Shaun_300

    Best nickname?

    Re: Best nickname? huntn4bucks is cool too!