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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: I did it EVERYONE 4 pointer in one day... yup i must say, you and buckfever sure rack up the posts quick!! hey buckfever, thats a lot of posts man! its 1500 for 12-Pointer!
  2. Re: Got My Mount Back!!! Thats awesome tedicast, great lookin mount man!
  3. Re: Big snow coming in Dang! I'm wearing shorts and t-shirts up here in Ontario too!
  4. Shaun_300

    a new arrival

    Re: a new arrival Awesome! have fun with the new "little one"
  5. Re: European Mount?? wow! awesome mounts need2hunt!!
  6. Re: Anyone hunt small game with a handgun? to answer your question, no i have never tried with a handgun. they are restricted and some are prohibited weapons in Canada, and you can only use them in shooting clubs. even to do that is a big hassle.....
  7. Re: Anyone hunt small game with a handgun? Here ya go bud!
  8. Re: THE 3 WIVES LMBO! Good one!!
  9. Re: I DID IT!!!!!!... thats some pretty quick fingers, geez if ya keep that up you'll be at 12000 in one year! Congrats man!
  10. Re: Ohio RT members GT pic cool pics Nut, could have been a bit more to the right on the last one eh?
  11. Re: I made spike i am almost at 2500!
  12. Re: crazy racoon LOL yeah they are hilarious! they always get into the garbage at my grandma's place. my uncle guides bear hunts and people from the states come up to hunt. one time there was a coon in the oak tree in the driveway and the bear hunter stuck him with a crossbow, that was the end of that one!
  13. Re: crazy racoon LOL thats a funny story, those crazy little gaffers find anything to get into mischief eh?
  14. Re: I made spike in the first day it sure is a great place, you'll meet a lot of great people here
  15. Re: Some shed photos from this year wow, great finds, that last shed is VERY nice! congrats on your season!
  16. Shaun_300


    Re: back!! glad ya had a good time sureshot, welcome back!
  17. Re: found him awesome! glad ya found him!
  18. Re: I made spike in the first day congrats man! keep those posts comin, you'll be a monster buck before ya know it
  19. Re: Ohio RT members GT pic awesome! looks like you guys had a great time!
  20. Re: One of my mineral licks looks like they are liking it!
  21. Re: New Guy welcome to the realtree forums!!
  22. Re: I made spike congrats! keep the posts comin'!!
  23. Re: summer [ QUOTE ] like 30 something more days of school!! [/ QUOTE ] i have 8 school days left, and 12 days left til i move back home!
  24. Re: My house got broke into. LOL those blasted squirrels, i tell ya! they just find anything and everything to get into and munch on. up at my grandma's tourist resort, they would get into the cabins, and chew the pillows and comforters. that was the end of that, i took the lil Browning .22 out and let em have it!
  25. Shaun_300


    Re: forker you'll be safe in my woods too! for now anyways Congrats on the new status!