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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: pigs yummy... i dont think i would want to do that at 8am lol.
  2. Re: blonde joke LOL! good one! i have TONS of blonde jokes, but they are inapropriate for the forums.
  3. Re: I made spike congrats bexar!! i think you're pretty excited eh?
  4. Re: This time tomorrow........ awesome! sounds like fun!
  5. Re: New special at KFC LMBO!! cant wait to try that one! j/k! good one. man thats funny!!
  6. Re: Happy Birthday gfourhunter happy birthday gfourhunter! have a good day eh
  7. Re: mule deer pic awesome pic, nice country out there!
  8. Re: IT\"S ALIVE!!!!!! Combine gets new job..... cool pics Martin! theres one way to milti-task... spray and shed hunt!!
  9. here's the buck i took this past November 5th. I hunted in WMU 48 here in Ontario.
  10. Re: Georgia Sucess way to go man! congrats on the birds!
  11. Re: all opinions...(does anyone know?) I've never used one. but i'm not really sure about them either. i dont think it would work, maybe if the deer is 200 or 300 yards away, but not if he's standing right there, heck any slight noise will alert a deer at close range, it'd have to be pretty darn quiet for the deer not to hear it! I do what wtnhunt said, cough into my sleeve, that usually buffles it enough. if a deer is standing right near me, coughing is the last thing on my mind...
  12. Re: PIKE FISHING (HOW?) they will still be pretty active. right at the end of the winter up here, they go up the creeks and spawn. we usually can catch them opening weekend, which is the 2nd weekend of May. in June they will be out of the creeks, so i'd look around any weedy areas. what i've done is found a weedbed in about 8-10 feet of water, then troll a Mepps spinner tipped with a worm in about 18-20 feet of water. works quite well! another lure to pick up that you can't go wrong with is the Cotton Cordell Big-O. MAN these are GOOD lures! i only use the Chrome coloured ones, but if you are going to get this lure, make sure you pick up extras because them dang pike will rip ya off sometimes! good luck fishin!
  13. Shaun_300


    Re: Home thats great, back at home where he belongs, i bet his family is happy! my great uncle was a pilot in world war II, his plane went down and his body was never found.
  14. Shaun_300


    Re: 1000 way to go Mike, congrats on the 1000! keep them coming!
  15. Shaun_300

    New Church

    Re: New Church great news. thats a nice little church, reminds me a lot of one of the ones up here.
  16. Re: Walleyes wow thats awesome man! i'll have to come out there and do some fishin! it would be hard enough to get those in a boat here, well the quantity, easy to get them that big here. congrats on the eyes!
  17. Re: My Wife Thinks I\'m Nuts!!!!! [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] she can't bug you if you ain't there [/ QUOTE ] Dude......You should patent that and put it on a hunting t-shirt.....or at least in your sig.... [/ QUOTE ] LOL thats hilarious!!
  18. Re: Best friend kills first bird!! great story, sounds like ya had a blast! congrats on the bird!
  19. Re: Cousin\'s First Turkey thats awesome!! congrats to your cousin!
  20. Re: vacation nope, just a liiiiiiiiiitttle north..... Ontario Canada
  21. Re: goundhogs havent been out yet, still in college as soon as i get home i am gonna head out and try to pop a few off!
  22. Re: weapon it all depends on the area you are hunting. most coyote shots are out in an open area. my gun of choice is a .22-250, but the .223, .243, .220 Swift, all would be great guns too. use whatever caliber you like shooting. a well placed shot from any gun will bring down a yote.
  23. Re: biggest buck. here's mine that i took this past november in rifle season. its only a 6-pointer but its a pretty big one! it had a 20 inch spread and dressed out at 201 pounds. i took him at 20 yards with a Remington 700 BDL, .300 Winchester Mag...
  24. Re: stoping deer.. sometimes i do, sometimes i dont. i usually like the deer to be stopped when i am taking a shot, and sometimes they stop without the grunt. if i do, its usually the "mah, mahhhh" type call from my mouth.
  25. Re: Colorado Vacation............ that sounds great! i've always wanted to go to Colorado someday. i'd like to see western Canada, like the rockies in Alberta and BC. so my plan someday is to go out west through Canada, and come home through the northern states. i would definetly swing down through Colorado. have a great trip man!