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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: Got a new gun safe! congrats on the new safe preacherman, we have a cabinet, it only holds 12 guns, so i have to get a safe for mine, then let dad and mike have the cabinet
  2. Re: Had to move and GF gone I decorated dining room Looks awesome to me!! does your girlfriend like animals in the dining room though?
  3. Re: Hiking all weekend sounds like ya had a great time Ruth!
  4. Re: ..found another shed today.... awesome shed man! congrats on the find!
  5. Re: Got the boat out! awesome! the ice still has to come off the lake yet up here!
  6. Re: High Sea\'s Fishing (NSWhitetail styl) i'd love to try it someday! i dont know if i could do it for a living though.
  7. Re: fist bass of the year awesome! very nice smally! cant wait to see the pics!
  8. Re: The Masters [ QUOTE ] Shaun are you a lefty. [/ QUOTE ] yup i sure am!! thats not the only reason why i love watching Mickelson and Weir. i think they are both great players, i have always been a Mickelson fan. and Weir has progressed a lot during the past few years.... plus he's Canadian
  9. Re: Please Pray for my Grandma you got it Ryan, i hope grandma gets better soon.
  10. Re: Mrs. Billygoat takes 3rd @ WI Deer/Turkey! awesome! Congrats to Mrs. Billygoat!
  11. Re: back from the hunting and fishing show ! thats great, sounds like ya had a good time!
  12. Re: If I had a nickel... Congrats Swampy! keep them coming!
  13. Re: The Masters Well, Tiger's the man, just won his fourth Green Jacket! he doesnt have a bad lookin wife eh?
  14. Re: Had a GREAT morning congrats on the bird man!
  15. Re: big sheds wow! those are monster sheds!
  16. Re: The Masters WOW!!! did anyone see Tiger's chip shot for birdie on 16?! MAN what a shot!! ouch, he just teed off on 17, that shot didnt look good...
  17. Re: The Masters [ QUOTE ] go phil..... [/ QUOTE ] good choice! phil's da man or mike weir...
  18. Re: Good joke i heard today LOL!
  19. Re: Some Buck Photos awesome pics, i agree with buckee, i could look at pics like that all day!
  20. Re: farmhouse pic converted to a pencil sketch great job! i would love to be able to draw like that! its challenging for me to draw stick-men
  21. Re: Which Do You Prefer? Venom Lures are my favourite plastic baits, then Powerbaits, then Culprit.
  22. Re: catfishing cadallic now THATS a cool setup!!
  23. Re: Updated mount pics... great mounts snap!
  24. Re: Deer Camp Sheds awesome sheds Ryan! that last one will be a big one in a couple years!
  25. Re: malards! i barely went hardly at all up here. i had a lot of work with college, and home is 2.5 hours away, so i hardly had time to get out. the time i took was for deer hunting, i am it went well, there was lots of ducks flying up here!