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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: Road Rage Yeah, i'll admit it, i can get pretty cheesed off at some stupid stuff that some drivers do... i'm 18, so i do tend to go a little over the speed limit nothing TOO rediculous, but i usually dont drive the speed limit, no one does up here, the speed limits are rediculous!! but if i get stuck behind a slow driver and cant pass i get ticked off. the thing that really gets me going though, is when i am driving on one of the 400 series highways (same as interstates) and i have the cruise set, someone passes me, then gets into the lane i'm in, and drives slower than my cruise speed. rush hour traffic is another thing that i get kinda ticked off in lol. i always say "why the heck, cant everyone drive the same speed, we'd all be moving faster!" Ottawa in rush hour can be pretty hectic. there is this one section on the 417 where the 416 connects with the 417, so two 4-lane highways trying to merge onto one..... and further east in the city there is 3 lanes for each direction, and where the merge is, theres only 2 lanes for each direction so of course its going to get congested there at rush hour. they have to do some major changes on that highway. Toronto rush hour is 10x worse than Ottawa's, NEVER, EVER get caught in Toronto in rush hour!! But yeah, another thing i don't like is the little punks in their stupid rice rockets, honda civics etc.... and act all tough, driving aggresively, stereo blaring, smokin the tires at intersections, that kind of stuff. if i am in my dad's car (2003 Chrysler 300M Special) i'll pull out and dust them thats about the worst i do in the car, i dont get so mad that i give someone the single finger salute or something. if someone is driving stupid, i tend to swear under my breath at them mom tells me i am just like my dad, same attitude, patience level and personality. i can definetly agree with that!
  2. Re: I need more prayers Sorry to hear this Kyle..... i hope stuff gets cleared up with the mother. thats the toughest thing in a relationonship, when the parents are involved. like Norm said, just try and get through school, then worry about it. if you can do that. i'll be prayin for ya bud.
  3. Re: My eyes didn\'t fall out!! right on Jim, good to hear everything went well!
  4. Re: I Had To Do It.... LOL good one!
  5. congrats on the smelt!
  6. Re: finally i\'ma Spike!!! congrats!! keep them coming eh!
  7. Re: CO Antler Pile Dang! thats a heckuva pile of bone right there!
  8. Re: Deer & Antifreeze i know that antifreeze is considered toxic waste as soon as you take the cap off the container! i dont know why anyone would put that out to kill ANYTHING. do they not know what that can do to the enviornment?
  9. Re: If It Were This Simple! LOL! thats hilarious!
  10. Re: It is getting crazy.... it sure is crunch time! i dont have finals or exams in my course, but we had practical testing last week, that went well. i had a 95.4% practical testing average. and i just handed in a whole whack of assigments and stuff! homework due monday a test on brakes and tires, then a test in my electrical class on tuesday. that should be about it, last class day is next thursday!
  11. Re: What kind of dog does everyone have? cool dog gator!! i dont have a dog yet, getting a beagle or black lab soon though!
  12. Re: Worst feedback ever?? Ouch! thats pretty crappy feedback! i wonder what his credit rating is like....
  13. Re: college??? Loyalist College, Belleville Ontario. Majoring in Automotive Service, going to become an Automotive Technician (mechanic). Done next Thursday! then come back here in September for one more year. I am working at a GM Dealership for the summer, and going back after next year.
  14. Shaun_300

    who works sick

    Re: who works sick I dont work yet, still in college... but when i did work i went to work no matter what, until my boss told me to go home. Starting May 2nd, i'll be a mechanic at a GM Dealership, so i doubt i'll be taking any sick days off then! i usually go to work or school unless i am so sick that i cant get out of bed, and i hardly ever get sick at all. *knock on wood*
  15. Re: Buckee is the MAN!Realtree Forums is a great place Buckee is one of the guys on here that can never be thanked enough! He's the MAN!! the forums wouldnt be the same without ya Steve!
  16. Re: Let\'s try again!!!! Big typical wow, awesome shed!
  17. Re: Hillary: JOKE!!! Scary, eh? LMBO!! Scary... but funny!!
  18. Re: WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!! sounds like your ready for the hunt!
  19. Re: My first Rio Grande\'s (Texas) great birds man! congrats!
  20. Re: 1st Archery Gobbler awesome bird man! here, i'll post the pic for ya! Here ya go!
  21. Re: Look at who i caught! wow! BUSTED!! that sucks! yeah... sit in a tree with your bow and put an arrow about 10 feet in front of him, that'll teach him!
  22. Shaun_300

    $15.00 Porsche

    Re: $15.00 Porsche LMBO!! MAN THATS HILARIOUS!! forwarded to dad and my teachers!
  23. Re: Back! 2 1/2 Days in Hospital! Good to hear you are doing better Orlan.
  24. Re: Latest game cam pics awesome pics Mike! those two birds look really similar!
  25. Re: Some of this year sheds i can see them all! they look good man! awesome sheds