Re: Road Rage
Yeah, i'll admit it, i can get pretty cheesed off at some stupid stuff that some drivers do... i'm 18, so i do tend to go a little over the speed limit nothing TOO rediculous, but i usually dont drive the speed limit, no one does up here, the speed limits are rediculous!! but if i get stuck behind a slow driver and cant pass i get ticked off. the thing that really gets me going though, is when i am driving on one of the 400 series highways (same as interstates) and i have the cruise set, someone passes me, then gets into the lane i'm in, and drives slower than my cruise speed. rush hour traffic is another thing that i get kinda ticked off in lol. i always say "why the heck, cant everyone drive the same speed, we'd all be moving faster!" Ottawa in rush hour can be pretty hectic. there is this one section on the 417 where the 416 connects with the 417, so two 4-lane highways trying to merge onto one..... and further east in the city there is 3 lanes for each direction, and where the merge is, theres only 2 lanes for each direction so of course its going to get congested there at rush hour. they have to do some major changes on that highway. Toronto rush hour is 10x worse than Ottawa's, NEVER, EVER get caught in Toronto in rush hour!! But yeah, another thing i don't like is the little punks in their stupid rice rockets, honda civics etc.... and act all tough, driving aggresively, stereo blaring, smokin the tires at intersections, that kind of stuff. if i am in my dad's car (2003 Chrysler 300M Special) i'll pull out and dust them thats about the worst i do in the car, i dont get so mad that i give someone the single finger salute or something. if someone is driving stupid, i tend to swear under my breath at them mom tells me i am just like my dad, same attitude, patience level and personality. i can definetly agree with that!