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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: nother season all done!! wow, sure sounds like you had a great season!!
  2. Re: cops jack a deer wow... amazing what someone will do to enter a deer contest eh! they sure did get what they deserved!!
  3. Re: Good Joke LOL good one!!
  4. Re: Children and Respect i dont think the teacher would be too impressed recieving that!! what do you think tominator? what would you think if you recieved this?
  5. Re: smokey and the bandit AWESOME!! i know what i'll be doing tonight! what channel??
  6. Re: Evidence of Mars Life very neat... it would be cool to know that there is definetly other life out there, other than on earth!
  7. Shaun_300

    Gas Prices?

    Re: Gas Prices? its 74.9 cents/liter here right now.
  8. Re: Airline Communications (funny) very funny LOL, good ones, i like the one DSGB quoted the best.
  9. Re: Happy Birthday Turkeygirl!!! Happy Birthday Ruth!!, and many many more! have a great day!!
  10. Re: The General Lee oh!! don't forget about the trans-am out of smokey and the bandit!!!
  11. Re: The General Lee i am a big fan of the dukes of hazzard. its still on the TV here, on CMT, its on at 10pm EST and 1am EST. do you guys get that down in the states?? i watch it almost every night!
  12. Re: Amish Road Rage!!! LOL thats funny stuff right there!
  13. Re: Womens revenge.... LMBO!! good ones, needed that laugh
  14. Re: Great News! congratulations preacherman! good luck in the new church!
  15. Re: going antler shed hunting this weekend. thats great!! i am going to try and get out over my week off as well, should be fun!
  16. Re: New deercam pics really neat pics Mike!! i agree with the posture as well.
  17. Re: Some recent Okieland pics wow! neat story! nice buck too!
  18. Re: just some mounts great looking wall Martin, almost time to start hanging some on the other wall eh!
  19. Re: for all of those out there with daughters [ QUOTE ] shotgun is loaded and ready....and those baggie pants those boys wear??? Well that should just give me a better sight window as they run away!! [/ QUOTE ] yeah i am with ya on that one Martin. some guys have a 32" waist, but they will wear pants with 46" legs i agree!! bigger target
  20. Re: best tasting animal on the planet. moose has to be the best tasting meat!! next would be fresh walleye, then it would be venison!!
  21. Re: NEWS BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL i was like WHOA!! whats going on?!?!
  22. Re: Scope for 30-06?? i would definetly go with a 3-9x, burris, leupold, or bushnell.
  23. Re: Congrats to Realtree Outdoors Productions! congrats to the RT team
  24. Re: Latest Project...Pretty Cool Pics VERY nice at least your a dodge boy.... like me very nice lookin trailer man!!
  25. Re: So I\'m Driving Home..... yeah, get it done as soon as possible Chris, shouldnt be that much... cheaper than a whole new windshield!!