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Everything posted by EKYhunter

  1. GREAT bird! What part of WVA are you hunting?
  2. That is a smoky-grey phase gobbler. Kill it!!!!!!!!! That is a very rare bird and a true trophy!
  3. Well I set out to get my 2nd bird Wednesday morning with my bow, but it didn't work out that way. Got in early, set the blind up, got the decoys out, and waited for daylight. Lots of gobbling this morning on the roost but the woods quietened down after flydown. Had two does come in to my set up about 8:30 and they sure were fun to watch. One would only come in to 42 yards but the other came in to 17. Neither liked the blind but didn't spook. Shortly after they went off to my right, my buddy called to see how my morning was going. He works for a gas company and there office is only about five miles from where I was hunting as the crow flies. He told me he saw a hen this morning by his office that was a blondish color, with no black on her whatsoever. Pretty interesting as I've never seen one like that. After talking to him, I ate some trail mix and made a series of soft yelps and clucks on my slate call. About ten minutes later I see two red heads coming up a little locust draw. They were looking for the hen they'd heard and when they saw my jake decoy and two hen decoys they started coming. I'd left B-Mobile at home and went with a more subdued set. They came in to thirty yards and would come no further. My personal max distance for turkeys with a bow is fifteen yards and I always set my decoys at ten. When it became clear that they weren't coming any further, I got my Encore 20 gauge up on my steady stix and aimed at the biggest bird. I shot and the Nitro 7's put him down! The other bird just stood there and I started soft yelping on a mouth call. The other gobbler started clucking and then pecked the dead one a few times before walking off, feeding. I didn't spook him so maybe I can take my buddy back in there Friday. I really wanted to get another gobbler with my bow but I'm very thankful nonetheless and prayed to the Lord and thanked Him for blessing me to be able to go hunting one more time and harvest one of these beautiful birds! Sorry, but the only picture I have is from my old cell phone. He was a good two-year-old weighing 20 pounds, 10 ounces, with a 10" beard, and 1" spurs. It was really good hunt on a beautiful morning!
  4. :48:Thanks guys! Killed him in Martin County. He was facing me and I hit him in what would be his left shoulder angling toward his right hip. Didn't go fifteen yards but tried to fly when the other gobbler started flogging him. Arrowed another one this afternoon but he got away. I'm very sick about it and am considering checking him in anyways as I know he's dead. I looked for three hours but no luck
  5. I took this bird Saturday morning with my Switchback XT. He weighed 20 pounds, had a 9" beard, and 1 1/4" spurs. He was attacking Killer B when I put an arrow in him. It was a great morning as my buddy killed a nice longbeard with his shotgun and we had deer and Elk come in to check out our decoys.
  6. My friend and I both took good longbeards Saturday morning. We didn't hunt today though, but I'm going in the morning.
  7. I was looking at them last night in the BPS catalog. I'm a G Loomis user myself and I believe I'd spend my $200.00 on a used Loomis before I purchased a used carrot stick. Just my opinion but I know what I'm getting with Loomis.
  8. The above is right on. Go with the Rhino/Nitro or Indian Creek/Nitro. Check out www.oldgobbler.com There's an entire section devoted to the 20 gauges and making them work. Lots of good info there.
  9. Best be careful. This is illegal in many states. A guy on Archery Talk got busted for this last week.
  10. Glad you like your bow. Ross is owned by Bowtech, btw.
  11. I don't think anyone makes a 3.5" 20 gauge or any 3.5" 20 gauge loads for that matter. I shoot a TC Encore 20 gauge, Indian Creek BDS .555 choke, and Nitro straight 7. It will kill at the same range as the 12, pack lighter, and not kick near as hard. What's not to like?
  12. Was this intended for me? If so, I didn't get it.
  13. Can you get any pics of the Browning? Thanks!
  14. Any way you could send me pics of the Win. model 100 and the Auto 5? Very interested. PM sent as well. Thanks!
  15. Still looking.......................
  16. Go with Nikon. Search classifieds forums here and on Archerytalk.com. You can find some really good deals. Also, think about maybe saving up your money for a while to get some good glass. I use the Monarchs by Nikon and they are excellent. As others have said, don't skimp on optics.
  17. They are located about 10 miles from my house. I've bought some stuff from them in the past. Broadheads, arrows, etc. Just small stuff. They seem to cater more to the internet shopper than the walk-in customer. Overall, I think they do a really good job.
  18. Guys I'm looking for a Hardwoods camo Pro-hunter stock for my Encore. I'm not interested in the black model or the plain Encore model. Camo, pro-hunter only. If anyone's got one, let me know. Thanks!
  19. A big congrats from a fellow Kentuckian! You should go to www.kentuckyhunting.com and post your pics and a story on the Elk hunting sub forum.
  20. If your looking to go a little cheaper than say an A-Bolt Stainless Stalker or Remington 700 BDL, I'd look at the Browning A-Bolt Hunter or the Remington 700 SPS. I've never been a Mossberg fan, but that's just me. They always felt kind of "Clunky" to me.
  21. Congrats on your 1st buck! You'll never forget him!
  22. Glad to see him crying! Go BAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Well I don't think Bama choked! So good to see Tebow crying!!!!!!!!!! Go tide!