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Everything posted by fenderhunt4

  1. plenty bright It's bright as a stand alone and it also has a LED light with it too. I hunted most of the season without the light and let the natural light illuminate the fibers. Worked well and could see pins far longer than I could see an animal on the ground at dusk. The light is a great addition for hunting in the blind where there isn't much natural light.
  2. Price Change Price knocked down again...$80TYD. Great sight...great deal!
  3. Price Reduced...I'll take $85TYD
  4. yeah, they're nice... just don't need it anymore! great sight for someone else though!
  5. G5 Optix ME .029" sight pins. 3 Fixed and 1 Floating. LED Pin Light. Harmonic Damper. No Rust Components. Realtree Camo. Great used sight with first class features. $90 TYD (paypal only) PM if interested
  6. well, I finished the season with an unfilled buck tag. it happens to the best of us. had a good time being out and it was great hearing some of your stories.
  7. This has a been a tough season for me. The rut trickled along, not giving me much opportunity to tag any nice bucks. I did see two in one day and had no shot at either of them at 30 & 35yds. They always seem to pick that one spot you can't shoot through! I'm still at it though. I've got until the first part of February to connect on a buck. Best of luck everyone! BTW...congrats on the previous deer and antelope kills!
  8. It's going slow here. I only saw one doe on Saturday morning. I do believe the rut will be later this year due to the moon phase. Nothing has really pointed to the rut being in full swing right now, in my area. I anticipate things getting good next week or so.
  9. Still got this stuff available.... sorry about the long wait. I've been away and actually forgot about this post! I'll get the pics back up again soon!
  10. I saw one small buck trailing and pushing a doe around a little bit on Saturday. Things aren't quite exploding yet, but it seems the switch is definitely on now...
  11. How is the season going team?? Don't forget to share your stories with us!
  12. I make mock scrapes all the time. Deer will use them. I usually cut branches from trees deer normally use for their scrapes in my area and then wire the cut branches to trees along a trail near my stand at about 5ft height. It works well to give bucks a natural stopping point in my shooting range too! I never add scent because it seems the bucks naturally see what it is and begin using it too.
  13. Thursday morning was a nice day. I saw five. Three of them we small bucks.
  14. Well, I got out this weekend. The family heading up to my parents' house to do a little hunting and get in a visit. Dad and I both shot does on Friday night. Saturday greeted me with a cool encounter with a piebald fawn and a handful of turkeys.
  15. Man! That looks good. I'll have to try it!
  16. We've got a good group of Ohio hunters here! What part are you from?
  17. Hey guys! Just checking in from Ohio. Any name is fine with me...I'm not too picky about that.