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Everything posted by fenderhunt4

  1. Team #6 Gobbler Gang (post 2 of 2) Entry form for Fenderhunt4/ Team #6 Gobbler Gang
  2. Team #6 Gobbler Gang (post 1 of 2) Fenderhunt4/ Team #6 Gobbler Gang 21 lb. Eastern 11" beard 1 3/16" spur 1 1/8" spur *form added in next post due to upload limit
  3. I'm finally getting my bird from a few weeks ago added to the contest. Sorry it has taken so long. I also was able to get another nice tom on the last weekend of the season. Had a lot of fun this year and it was great sharing a team with you all!
  4. http://www.realtree.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=5940&stc=1&d=1274556577 Sorry it's taken so long...I'm finally getting my bird entered in today!
  5. I'm finally getting my bird added into the contest... sorry it took me so long to find the time to do it!
  6. virtuallly any blind will work. it's amazing how they don't really mind them at all. they don't even need brushed in. what you buy should be based on your preferences in cost, features, and ability to last. a million choices are out there...
  7. I'm heading to Montana this fall for an archery elk hunt. Who has had good experience with a fixed blade broadhead for elk? Please share your experience and what kind you used. I am aware of what heads are good for deer but wanted to know from some seasoned elk hunters what works well on those bigger animals. Thanks.
  8. Bird Down! I, too, got a nice bird last Saturday. I've yet to have time to get the pictures up but I hope to do that soon. Way to go all those who have placed a tag on one also! It's been a tough spring here and I've heard it feels that way in some others states as well. I sure am having fun though!
  9. Week 1 in Ohio Well, the hunting has been fun but no bird yet. I had a bird a few steps away from getting a shot on Monday but a hen drew him back down the hollow where he came from. Thursday greeted us with several gobblers on the roost. My hunting buddy had a chance to shoot one of the birds we called in that came in on his side. Today I hunted in the rain and was suprised to set up on a hard gobbling bird at the roost. He moved toward a field and I was able to beat him there, set some decoys and wait for him. He showed up after while but just stood at the edge of the brush, 70yds out, gobbling at the decoys. He then disappeared after becoming disinterested. It was a good morning, especially since I got to join up with my dad and hunt. Just an update from Ohio...best of luck all!
  10. went out yesterday to scout and listen for birds. didn't hear any gobbling but saw two hens and lots of scratching through the woods... they'll be in there for sure. on a fun note, i took my son to the kentucky youth weekend last weekend. we ended up seeing 9 longbeards. he missed 4 of them! we were hunting from a blind and they just kept coming through. don't know what was up with his shooting. he's only 10...still getting used to all the excitement i guess. he bagged a jake last year but he really wants a tom. i guess those longbeards got the best of him! we're going to do a little shooting practice and head out again when ohio season rolls around. best of luck to all!
  11. The name sounds fine to me. I'm just ready to get hunting! Come on April!!
  12. yeah! i remember that thing. what a rip-off device that was!
  13. Hey guys... Just checking in. Any team name is OK with me. Also wanted to throw "The Limbhangers" into the hat for a suggestion. Best of luck this spring! Josh
  14. I plan to do some night hunting here in the next few days. What is your advice? How long would you stay on stand (keep in mind we have about 13-14 inches of snow still!)? Also, what's been your most effective calling rythm? Non-stop or periodically? How long do you call? How long do you wait? Sorry for all the questions. I appreciate any help!
  15. It's gonna be a cold one. I am actually going out with my bow. I hope to see some antlers...I've got enough does in the freezer but still am waiting for Mr. Big!!
  16. I've got an opportunity to get a Rhino XP-1 or a Double Bull Blind for about the same price. Based on your personal experiences, what would you suggest? I'm using it mostly for: 1. Spring Turkey Hunting (w/ bow) 2. Hunting with my young boys I have looked at both models in the store but still am undecided. Just interested in what you all think...
  17. Field and Stream online just covered this story...it's for real!
  18. OK, so we've had about 4 frosts now and nothing seems to be eating away at our brassica plot? Any suggestions as to why? I have plenty of trail cam pics of them in there eating the clover and chicory though.
  19. What a great story of elk restoration and sweet hunt!
  20. Had a fun day last Thursday. Watched two 6pts fighting about 30 yds from my stand and then the 'winner' chase a doe around for an hour. Things are starting to get ready for the Rut!!
  21. I sat in my blind during the rain this morning. No luck. I had a little button buck come through. Not much is moving during this on-going storm we've had for 3 days.
  22. I like the classic scatter the flock and kee-kee them back in. I have taken dozens of birds that way. There are plenty of magazine articles and online reads about how to do this. I have also called them in just with yelps and kee-kees while sitting in my deer stand. There are several ways to do it. Each bird (or flock of birds) seems to respond differently. Best of luck.