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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. This was posted before last week.
  2. Adjam5

    I'm upset....

    Ruth...this happens often. Just usually a matter of screw ups somewhere. Be persistent and get names of everyone you speak to. If you still feel uneasy, there is always a credit check after the fact to see if it shows up on your credit report. Don't sweat it.
  3. Adjam5

    Plane crash in NY

    Just think about what the people on the ground thought as the plane was descending...OMG! Another attack! That happened less than 1 mile from Ground Zero. That pilot should be given the key to the city and some. doubt.
  4. Adjam5

    Got Snow Geese?

    Wow Leo... that is a swarm of geese! Looks like you have a good spot;)
  5. Wow...Cool story! Brave folks there. Thanks for sharing that Steve.
  6. OOOO...what a surprise!...He is a Illinois democrap:rolleyes:
  7. That is awesome she is home. Give her our best. Prayers still going your way Kyle.
  8. Or... How come Michael Waddell don't come around here? High fence hunting is not my cup of tea, but I will support anyones legal right to do so.
  9. My wife keeps track of the dates when the deer season is over. The very next day, she starts in about the hunting stuff all over the house:rolleyes:. We've washed our camo and put some of it away. But now shes gets to hear turkey the house as we gear up for spring gobblers:D I think turkey calls work just as good as calling in wives as they do turkeys. As soon as I start...she comes running like a big tom:p We still have small game my fellow NYers. But the brutal weather has made it very hard to get out there and hunt them yotes or bunnies. At least for me anyway.
  10. Pork...its whats for dinner:D
  11. Don't forget the handwarmers! This cold should get the deer moving. Good Luck and stay warm. Spring cannot come soon enough:rolleyes:
  12. Adjam5

    Headed to Boise

    Have a safe trip and enjoy your visit.
  13. I use Firefox because I am sick of windows letting everything get through. Like pop ups and spam. I to, think it runs much faster than IE..
  14. I guess we are sweltering here at 18* Baby its cold outside.
  15. Very cool Are they protected in your state?
  16. Adjam5

    Freak accident

    That is funny. The spark needs to be very hot( as hot as the primer would be) and that spark has to be directly to the powder to ignite the cartridge. Urban legend. You know... Like that guy from Canada who killed a deer with a knife when it attacked him?
  17. Have a safe trip and a great time Kirk. Bring some heat back will ya? Looking forward to the pics.
  18. I pray we NEVER need our guns, like we think we MAY need them:rolleyes:. But better to have 'em and not need 'em than to need 'em and not have 'em;).
  19. Yesterday I took a walk for sheds and get a little cardio in walking in the deep snow. I didn't find any sheds, but I did sweat up like I wanted. On the way back to the house, I snapped this pic of a peaceful and serene setting of the stream behind our home. I go here to think every now and then. This is a freshwater stream that is a tributary to the Hudson river. It gets stocked way upstream by NYS-DEC with browns and rainbows that make it down here from time to time;) Yes, that is a old railroad trestle anchorage. A little father down stream, where the pools are way deeper, is where I jumped in the stream to get my son Joe's arrowed deer that was wounded 3 years ago:rolleyes: Anyone remember that epic? I can't forget it, and I won't let Joe forget it either:p.
  20. Holy Smokes:eek:!!! Vicki C ! Thanks for posting, we really appreciate it when prostaffers such as yourself drop on by and LISTEN to what we have to say. Thanks Vicki, I wish you and the other gals continued success with the show.
  21. Glad she is doing better Kyle and the baby is fine. Bless 'em both. Is that a Advantage hospital gown? KEWL:cool: Boy you Okies are REALLY hard core huh?
  22. the Nobel prize too:rolleyes:. 15 here with the wind chill about 0.
  23. Adjam5


    Yeah thats a pretty crappy thing to be in:D Its one thing when it is your own, but someone else's poo? The worst stink, I ever was in... We were rodding a manhole duct in Manhattan,NYC and the rod came out very muddy. The conduit needs to be clean so the fiber optic cable we were pulling does not become damaged. Rodding is pushing a fiberglass rod through a conduit, get the rod, tie a rope to it, place a ball and brush on it and pull the rope through the pipe and use the rope to pull the cable. We didn't have the ball n brush:rolleyes: A rodder is like a electric snake for the toilet, but it is mounted on a truck. I was in the manhole on the other end. Unbeknown to me, the crew on the other end removed the rod and tried to blow out the obstruction with a air compressor. 90lbs of air sent into the conduit without checking if anyone was still in the hole:rolleyes::eek:. Out came the nastiest liquid,gravel and crud I have ever smelled... and I have worked in pollution plants. I came out of the hole like the creature from the black lagoon stinking to high heaven! I chased after the guy that did it:mad::mad:, then I realized how lucky I was that I didn't get hurt, just very dirty and smelly. I broke out laughing and the crew broke out their camera phones:mad:. My foreman went to a store and bought me sweatpants, T shirt and flipflops, drove me to my car and sent me home for the day with pay. Luckily it was June and warm out. I made it a point to never work with that guy again. I cheated injury and maybe death. I used Sport Wash to clean up with and it worked great!