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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Well said Kyle. Especially the part about not having to draw in the animals presence . Many are avoiding that fact. No hunter left behind...make 'em all successful. We don't need no stinkin rules. A crossbow in archery season is like not reading the book and getting the Monarch notes. You got the story, but took the short path to get there. I wonder what teachers would think if a student took that path to a book read? I will discuss this topic(civilly) as many times as it is brought up. I will never ask people to stop sharing their opinion...EVEN if they are different than mine. After all...this IS a public place for opinions and discussions...right?
  2. Heck buy both:D. Start accumulating now :yes:. The Rock River is better made and I am dang sure the more accurate of the two. What purpose are you looking to use these for? Target, hunting or home defense? The AR will better serve you with all of the above. $700 is a good price for a AR, especially a RR. Do you know what the twist rate is on the AR? The slower the twist the heavier the bullets you can shoot accurately.
  3. Glad you were able to salvage the meat Joe. We have 2 Kenmore freezers. One upright and one medium sized chest. The chest gets all the venison, skulls and frozen critters for trapping bait. Have no issues with them at all and they are going on 10+ years. I am pretty sure Kenmore is made by Whirlpool.
  4. Very nice Ben . Glad you are settling into that house and making it a home . I was happy to be able to help. To think of the miles some of those skulls put on:D. That Javelina came from my hunt in West Texas. Iraan ,Texas to be exact. Then to New York for two years then out to you. Add in Buckees contribution...Lots of miles. I am diggin that non typ spike. Sweet. That bone shelf looks great. Keep adding.
  5. I have shot the crossbow and I was at it good for the first time out. Heck I was accurate enough to hunt with it. Shot a Excaliber at Gander Mtn product demo days in 04. If you can shoulder a rifle, you can shoot a crossbow. Just lay on the crosshairs. It is A LOT easier than shooting my Mathews or Recurve. Point and shoot. I have respect for the weapon, but it should not be in archery season. For youth...OK, hurt or older archers...OK, Vets Heck yeah. But healthy folks...Heck no. The crossbow in archery season increases ones success rate. Point and a gun. That cannot be disputed. If you have never been busted drawing on a animal, or busted letting down, then you have not bow hunted enough. Crossgun (oops! I said it! Sorry Luke:D) hunters do not have that issue. Do we need to increase one chances of success so badly that we include superior weapons or weapons with greater advantages to the sport? The million $ question has STILL not been answered. Having to NOT draw in the presence of the animal. That is a HUGE advantage over "archers" who do. I think Mike..Ruttinbucks post is the BEST of the thread. "Easy way out and a cop out. Whatever happened to challenge? Let everybody make the team. Give em all a trophy. Throw in a bucket of Come' mere deer while your at it. " Just like the Democrats would do. I am sure some of you have heard of the "No child left behind"program... Now comes the "No hunter left behind program" Lets just make it one BIG season... any weapon, anytime, anywhere. We don't need no stinkin rules.
  6. Hang in there Muley...If anyone ever bowhunted they have been through what you are feeling. We all done it and hated it. A bad feeling no doubt. Shake it off and get back in that stand .
  7. I have one and I put it through the wringer. 700 rds in one day! No jams at all, accuracy 3- 4"groups@100 yards rapid fire. The mag is a bit loose in the mag well, but this did not seem to affect function. Tolerances are loose and the gun is pure sheet metal stampings and rivets, minus the bolt/carrier. Trigger was OK, it had some creep. You might be better served accuracy wise with the SKS. Much more of a machined to close tolerance gun than the WASR. That is it in the middle of the country house gun rack.
  8. Me with Mr Tink Nathan, at his home in the Texas Hill Country.
  9. You did the right thing to let him lay. Get Dad and go look...I have a good feeling about you finding that buck . I know that feeling and I HATE it! Good Luck Bud.
  10. How come no one is touching the FACT that with a crossbow, you do NOT have to draw in the presence of the animal ? That in itself disqualifies it for archery season. Point and shoot like a gun.
  11. I know it bites when you do not find the deer Mike...I feel for ya. You need no words or encouragement from me. I have no doubt that you will score in a BIG way for Team Twang n Bang . I have left out a trail cam on our property to see what is running round one of our stands. So far nothing but does and a porcupine. We have a decent bunch of bucks here back home in Rockland, but I know we are not the only ones chasing them. Muley don't sweat the sig. Do it when you get a chance.
  12. My issue with the crossbow is the SIMPLE fact, that was not addressed by the articles author is... The Bow if you call it... does NOT have to be drawn in the presence of the animal. That in itself disqualifies it for archery season. Compounds and recurves do have to be drawn in the presence of the game. The crossbow is point and a firearm. The crossbow uses magnified opitcs, is shoulder steadied and aimed like a firearm. Point and shoot. I know of the crossbows, history, limitations, sound and distance. Yes I have shot a crossbow. Hit the 20 yard bullseye the first time I EVER shot one. It was loud. Nothing like my Mathews or Recurve. Am I that good or does the crossbow bring a bit of cheating to flinging pointed sticks at game? I we really need to help success in the woods by introducing a superior weapon(point and shoot) to archery season? Yes, it is nice when we have a great day afield, especially when we bag something. Most of the time we don't bag anything, but we still had a great time. Archery is meant to be a hard, difficult and demanding sport that requires practice and repetition. I can sight in my 30/30 for bullseyes, put it away in my safe for 5 years, take it out( with the same ammo) hit that bullseye again. The same for a crossbow( minus maybe some possible string stretch). Now if I stayed away from my Mathews for 5 years and picked it up. It would take me a while to get back in the groove. I have no issue for hurt/disabled/seniors and vets to use ANY weapon they want in whatever season they want. But for healthy folks to want to hunt with a crossbow in archery season, NO.
  13. Wow Matt...that is one good looking pooch! Husky/German shep? Wonderful colors on her. Good Luck with her bud.
  14. Firearms need to be declared before boarding, a tag is placed inside and outside the case by airport police, (you keep a matching tag). I had to go to a special office(near baggage handling) where my guns were being held in order to retrieve them. This was my experience in flying to Texas to hunt 4 times in the last 2 years. It is possible, and it does happen for you and your luggage to separate. This is the TSA link for up to the minute rules and regs on what you have to do to travel with a firearm.
  15. Holy Guacamole! Amazing she was not hurt more than that. Sheesh...
  16. Took the words right out of my post... One lucky dude is right. Buy that Lotto ticket...NOW!
  17. I have traveled a few times within the USA with guns and have had no issues whatsoever. I like a SKB double gun case. Check for yourself what you need to do so you have smooth travel arrangements. Good Luck and safe traveling.
  18. You have my vote on that name boys:clap:. Gonna hit a gun show this weekend and do some crow hunting. Of course shoot my bow too .
  19. That lake is quite...errr Ocean like . Glad you had fun. Gotta make it up that way one day and actually see blue water in New York State!
  20. Looks like you had a blast Mike... Thanks for sharing it.
  21. Great, no beating around the bush info there John... Thanks.
  22. Adjam5

    Hey GWSmith.......

    Happy Birthday Gary....
  23. Cute ones for sure... Love the white marks on the GR face. Good Luck with them. Is the retriever ever gonna be retrieving for you?
  24. Congrats Joe...That is a heck of a lot of minds that you were able...(hopefully:D) to penetrate and share some great knowledge with. Thanks for helping edumacate the yutes of today :clown:. You also left out on your resume' a Bilateral pneumo thorax distributor BTW...I love your e mail true.
  25. Welcome to the forums . Wildview is made by Stealth Cam and is their bottom of the line product. They sell a few different cam lock brackets on their site. Maybe these would work for you. I just purchased from this site a 2.0 IR Trail cam with a lock bracket AND 2 (1meg)SD cards for $99. That is a deal in my book. Good Luck hope it works out for you.