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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Excellent post Steve...Soo much is going the way of PC now a days. The watering down of societies values and morals is a constant thing so we must be vigilant and keep OUR faith in God.
  2. Hey that is dang nice buck there Carson.... Congrats on it.
  3. She is adorable and will be queen of the forest in no time.
  4. Happy Birthday Tracy. Hope it was a good one.
  5. MY son downed a good Birthday buck on his 19th b day yesterday. The boy was glowing...Happy Birthday again son.
  6. Hey guys...been hunting hard here with nothing to show but for a valuable lesson learned. STAY OFF THE PHONE TEXTING WHEN YOUR HUNTING! Man...I was on the phone texting...head buried in phone when I look up and see white bone and a rump hook a turn into the bush. This buck had to be walking straight at me for a bit and I was pre occupied with my phone. :bang: 1 hour and 40 minutes later...about 500 yards neighbors kid, in a stand on our land(he has permission)...kills this wonderful 8pter, over 100". Lesson learned for sure. Got some good vid of a small spike that was playing by my stand for a bit. One of our guys shot a yote, nice color on it too. Very reddish. A lot of does got passes this past few days. Oh a cool sequence of pics on the trail cam. My son seeing does, rising his gun, aiming and letting them horns. We are also in a 3 on one side area. When I pulled that card from the cam to get those pics, I also saw that the 10pter is still alive. He is visiting around 2 in the morning. Heading back up today at noon with lots of leftovers:D. I have next week off also. Will be doing my best to get it done. Good Luck team and hunt safe!
  7. Happy Birthday son...You hit the BIG one nine . Joe went out and got himself a very special Birthday present for himself and story to follow .
  8. Thanks Mike. Just in case I do not get to check in here. I want to wish everyone a safe and lucky season. Our firearm season here in NY's southern zone kicks off on Saturday. I am expecting a friend from Texas and North Carolina to be joining me at my deer camp in NY's Catskill Mtns this Thursday. I am quite excited about this season. Good Luck to all.
  9. We usually have it at my house with my wife doing the cooking. But this year my brother will be in Aruba with his family, so my kids, wife and I will be hoofing it down to NYC to have dinner with my Mom at a local restaurant. This will be the first time in my life we have EVER eaten at a Restaurant for any holiday. Mom is alone, old and don't like to travel. So we are accommodating her. It will be the first one without my Pop .
  10. With audio also! Thanks for sharing that Steve . Textbook on what a buck is supposed to do during this phase of the rut. As people we speak to communicate, this is what deer do...would love to know what kind of pee mail:D that buck is leaving. Betcha that is a Cedar post he is rubbing.
  11. We talking Luke...VT hunter? If it is...Happy Birthday buddy. Miss ya pal. If it is not...then Happy Birthday anyway.
  12. A horrible thing to happen. Condolences to the family. Just a man trying to do his job. A repeat offender committed this act. There should be no such thing as a repeat offender.
  13. Hey Gang...congrats to all who have gotten bloody so far this year. I have lots of time on stand and nothing to show for . But my trail cams have me quite encouraged. So I keep plugging away. Our gun season starts this coming Saturday. My buddy from the Texas Hill country is coming up to hunt with me again . I'll be on vacation for two weeks, so I will be pounding those woods hard. Good luck Team.
  14. Congrats on your first gzilla! You'll remember this one a LONG time . I will be out this Thursday with my son Joe behind our house, who by the way will be sitting in my stand tomorrow morning up at our hunting camp. You know...the one with the big bucks and bears coming on by. I don't want to wish him bad luck or anything...He is my son you know. BUT... he IS on another team Good Luck to the rest of ya.
  15. Guess it wasn't bear season huh? Neat vid.
  16. Great Job Randy...Thanks to you too Mike for posting it all and the edit . Those are some serious shooting skills.
  17. Awesome William and Catrina...just awesome..... I wish you guys the best! Congrats to you both! You know I have always been fond of the name Anthony...for a boy:p Again...God bless the whole bunch of ya.
  18. Congrats to Madhunter and Tetro. Deer are deer and points are points . Gonna head back up to camp this weekend and hope to stick something. Good Luck team.
  19. Very nice Jeff . Congrats to your son and the fine job YOU are also doing. Sooo...did this apple fall far or close to the tree?
  20. Adjam5

    Got him!

    Good News Ross. Glad you got 'em. Hope you find out who he is and the charge(s) stick.
  21. The democraps undid themselves. So many thought Barry Soetoro would appear with magic wand and fix everything. We see how that went huh? I hope Washington gets the message. Bye Bye Pelosi Hello the gentleman from Ohio... Mr Boehner .
  22. That Little Johnnie is ONE smart kid
  23. Very nice feather in your hat Randy . Shoot straight.
  24. Safe travels Randy...Hope you don't got too many stares wearing Camo in Kalee-fornia. Have fun and I am sure you'll shoot straight.
  25. I like Bens Idea the best Ross. With the stand on someone elses property, I do not think there is much you can do beside legal... tame... trickery. Good Luck.