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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Yes it does Shaun. But the gasket leaks oil from being dried out. A 3 1/2hp Tecumseh. It is a all original 69 Rupp Chevy Jr. These were promotional go karts made by Rupp specifically for Chevy. They were give aways and promo karts for dealer show rooms. It was styled after the Monza, but many Vette fans have been drawn to it. It is a one piece fiberglass body. A few more pics.
  2. Always on time at 3K for the Missus' Chevy Venture. When the "change oil light" comes on in the Corolla which is usually at 4500mi...about every 8-10 weeks. My daily commuter. My Old 95 Silverado with 178K on it, every 4k. All get Fram super guard filters with the easy grip and what ever Oil is on sale at Wally World. But always on time and I keep meticulous vehicle records.
  3. Adjam5

    9.5 months old

    He is looking quite comfortable and happy too. Very adorable;). Gotta be tough not seeing him everyday .
  4. This is good stuff here Shaun . Now instead of PMing you with my vehicle issues, I now have a thread to post them on:D. Thanks for this topic Shaun. Just a Testament to old Chevys. My 95 K1500 Silverado does NOT burn any oil with 178,000 miles on it. It has other issues like rust, but the motor and tranny are solid.
  5. My 03 Yamaha Kodiak 4x4 with the new tires I put on it last fall. Here is my 5th B day present back in 1969. I still have it;). A 1969 Rupp Chevy Jr. It has a 3 1/2hp Tecumseh
  6. I have been hunting over 25 years and have used NOTHING BUT a guthook. A Schrade Old Timer fixed blade with a gut hook. Very handy. I have since switched to a different Guthook knife(ColdSteel Trail Master Plus), but the guthook is the shizz for me. I have field dressed deer with a 2" pocket knife because that is all I had, but given the choice...I reach for the guthook everytime. Just recently took possession of a Ross Tyser brand guthook. A thing of beauty.
  7. A beast for sure. What a neat find too!
  8. My son bought 2 boxes of the SST's last season for his Mossberg 500 rifled barreled .20ga and they didn't pattern well at all. He went back to Brenneke slugs.
  9. Hey John...I could be wrong, but maybe shotgun scopes are set for trajectories of slugs. Bullets are way flatter shooting than slugs. If it works, put the scope on the thutty thutty. All I use for deer hunting here in NY;). 150gr FN's are great deer medicine.
  10. To hunt where the turkeys are and don't over call.
  11. Awe come on Eric...can't ya find it in your heart to give the ole fella a little break?. Go knock down a WHOPPER in Kansas Paul! Good Luck out there.
  12. Nice bird and a good story Al. Congrats!
  13. I am soo happy we can hunt here on Sundays. Many an animal has dropped at my hands on Sunday . I agree does get in the way of hunting. Work is way overrated
  14. Adjam5

    Painful MRI

    Wow Mike...sorry to hear that test put ya in pain. Hope they get it all worked out for ya. Sometimes they sedate you for the MRI's. Perhaps that is a option. Get well soon bud.
  15. Looks like a great day Charlie... Way to get the young un's involved .
  16. Cool Article...Good interview Tim .
  17. As far as a team name. It don't matter to me. Here is one...The Waddle Wobblers...hey I'm trying to be unique . Didn't get a bird last year, but I did get my youngest son Mike his first on NY's youth hunt. My oldest son Joe on the far right. I am really looking forward to this years spring turkey season.
  18. Better hurry up and pay John...Millions on welfare are depending on you . Hope you don't get hit too hard bud.
  19. Happy Birthday Darla . Hope it was great!
  20. Adjam5

    Happy Anniversary

    Congrats to you both .
  21. How did I miss this? Duh.... Awesome story Charlie and nice bird too! That jerky looks mighty tasty too . Rios are some hot birds!
  22. Sounds very interesting... Turkeys are so hard to get to cooperate on camera. A tall task indeed. Good Luck boys!