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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. I'm liking "The Contour" Ross Could I be the swing vote?
  2. Your a strong young man Dakota...Continued prayers pal. Hope you get home REAL soon.
  3. Yup we have it here in the Hudson valley. There have been many organized vine pulling and ripping out get togethers around here. A Plan to push back the Mile a minute vine.
  4. Adjam5


    Have fun Tim! Safe travels.
  5. Yup...we have woodchucks/groundhogs here. Shoot 'em with the bow and with the .22mag as often as I can. They are a unprotected species here in NYS. Year round without limit.
  6. Congrats on money well spent;). Enjoy it.
  7. Prayers for their safe trip to and fro. I know Randy will WOW them over there.
  8. Good to see ya Randy! Yes that Ross is one special guy .
  9. Me too. Ross you have some amazing talent;). A nice ending to a nice story.
  10. I have been out with my sons a few more times. Got some great video of a vote that came in to our dekes and took off like the dickens when he smelled us. My oldest son and his girlfriend attempted a double yesterday morning. His bird stayed down and hers got back up and took off on her . She was all upset. It was her first turkey opportunity also. My son Joe, his girlfriend Melissa and my youngest son Mike with the bird Joe took yesterday morning. 5"beard/ 1/2"& 3/8 spurs. I will be back up there again this weekend with my boys trying for my Tom and hoping to put up some points for the team.
  11. Good bird! Congrats!
  12. Hey! Congrats on your 1st! You did it all alone too. Good job. Easterns are no slam dunk.
  13. Awe come on have lots turkey hunting friends . Are all these gobblers Joisey boids?
  14. Thanks for what you do Tracy... . You guys are THE vital link between a Hospital and the field. My bro in law is a LT here in the NYC FD-EMS and he finds the work exhausting... yet satisfying. Not an easy thing working on people. Hats off to you guys.
  15. There was a lake last summer one county away( Orange county) that NYS DEC caught some of the native fish, saved them and then poisoned the lake to kill off all the snakeheads that were in there. That is how bad it was. Here in the Hudson Valley, we are also dealing with a vine that is a invasive species called the " Mile a Minute " vine. Sparrows and Starlings get the Gamo airgun treatment as often as I can administer the pellet. Yes we have some problems...
  16. That dog knows a threat when he sees one huh? Good Job.
  17. Hope you Okies stay safe...Prayers headed you guys way.
  18. Very sweet Ross:). Beautiful wood too! My PM on its way.
  19. Sorry to hear that Ruth...I too am a member of that club. I know that hurt, violated feeling. The fact that your cam was a gift from Mom makes it hurt more. A crappy feeling. I filed a report with the Police because if it turns up, you might get it back. Did ya save the serial# and notify Bushnell in case it comes in for service?
  20. Wow...How mysteriously the Lord works:). With God on your side..what could go wrong?
  21. Adjam5


    Have fun Ben...waitin' on the pics:)
  22. NAHC is a HUGE marketing firm that has other branches, they have home club, fishing club, gardening club, handyman ect. I used to frequent their BB many years ago until they took ads from "Save the Seals" and HSUS. In the Email I received back from them regarding these ads... I was told they have to right to take ANY ads that allows them to do the business they set out to accomplish...make money. Sorry but ads from those lunatic organizations have no place in anywhere I frequent. Watch yourself with the NAHC they will sell your name and address and watch all the junk mail you'll get.
  23. Lots of woodchucks on this Rossi .22Mag single shot
  24. Welcome to Realtree . Good Luck with your .243 purchase. It will work well for all of the game you have mentioned. You should be able to get loads with bullets up to 100 grains for deer, hogs and varmints. A flatter shooter than the 30/30. For the record...the 30/30 has killed more deer than any other caliber on earth. It was at one time, the DO ALL cartridge. We have since evolved ballistically. All things being equal, A pointed bullet in a bottle necked case will always perform better than a flat nosed bullet will. I have a .243, but my Marlin 30/30 always gets the call to go deer hunting. Have fun and hunt safe.
  25. Here comes the Turkey Fanatic:D. Go git yerself a longbeard Mike.