Folks...I would like to thank ALL of you for your thoughts and prayers in this difficult time.
My Pop is gone and even though we all knew it was coming...that never makes it any easier. He was 79 and a Korean War vet.
My Mom, brother and myself were there until the very end with Dad.
He had suffered cardiac arrest early Monday morning, Mom called EMS and they worked on him for over 30 minutes and they got his heart beat back. But he suffered brain damage and never regained conscientiousness. We were waiting in the ER for a room to go pull the plug in a more private setting. Pop had a "Do Not Resuscitate" order that Mom did not pass on to the EMS when they were working on him. Pop did not want to go on any machine again to keep him alive. He had been through that a half a dozen times. Pops heartbeat got so weak that that his blood pressure could not be read and his heart just slowly stopped. It was quite surreal watching the heartbeat monitor go to zero, knowing the circumstances of it going to zero.
We then went the next day to the funeral home to make arrangements for the wake. Pop did a huge expansion( he was a builder) of this place back in the 70's and the funeral home owners became his good friends. So it was natural for Pop to be laid out there. The woman who runs it sat us down and told us Pop called her last week and left some specific instructions for this day that was coming. Pop wanted a no frills wake and burial. He picked out a casket and left instructions for no limousines. He even left instructions on who he wanted to do his embalming. A man who he has known for many many years since the guy was a kid. That man is now 60. He did a wonderful job on Pop and used all his skills. So many commented on how good Pop looked. I agreed.
So we said our goodbyes to Pop today. He was buried at Gate of Heaven cemetery in Valhalla ,NY(Westchester county). I sent him off with one of his old cement mason trowels. Two rows over in the cemetery there are 2 of his close friends buried. So Pop has company and they are most likely playing cards already .
Mom is staying the weekend with my brother in CT and I will be staying with her in the city a few nights a week until we figure out where Mom is gonna live.
Again...I want to thank all of you for being there in the MOST troublesome time of my life so far. I am lucky I had my Pop for all these years. I am very grateful.
And so another page turns in the book of life.
Thanks again for your support and may God Bless you all,
Anthony and family.