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Everything posted by Tom2008

  1. That statement was true about 2 or 3 three years ago. Now Quest is something totally different. They'v stepped up to the plate and made some real shooters. Enjoy the new bow and good luck this fall.
  2. I might have to throw up my cuddeback on the turkey hunting property this year and see what shows up. Awesome picturs Al!
  3. Great head to use on turkeys. A girl I know is a pro staff for them and uses them on all game, including turkeys.
  4. I just gained permission back into our awesome spot in the NE Metro area of MN. I'm pumped cause one of our friends up there shot the #3 bird with a bow in the state last year. My new bow is ready for some gobbling action.
  5. Kels has been putting out a lot of mounts lately. Been really busy with school too. Here are few she has finished. A really old buck that has scars all over. This her second pheasant.
  6. I wish our 2 feet of white stuff would go away! We just got 3 or 4 more inches over the last couple of days.
  7. That 9 point set looks awesome! Congrats on your finds thus far. I hope recovery is still going smoothly so you can keep after those antlers.
  8. Tom2008

    It's Over

    I'm feeling it too, but I'm even more excited about next year. Have some big plans!
  9. I know the cabelas techs around here and they have some knowledge, but not enough to help with a situtaion like that. Yes there are good techs, but more often there are bad ones and people come back to the shop I go to with a bad experience from Cabelas. I have friends at Gander Mountain who are great with archery equipment. You're taking more of a chance at a box store, unless you know a certain person there that has good knowledge about fixing up bows. I'm sorry if my post offended you. It's my opinion about Cabelas and you don't have to like it, but I think your reply is crossing the line.
  10. Have you had it paper tuned? Warranty should be backed by diamond not through the particular dealer you purchased it from. Any Diamond dealer should be able to help you if there is a warranty issue with a bow.
  11. A lot of accuracy has to do with the shooter. A lot of people think its the bows fault, but it isn't about 75% of the time. Take it to an actual archery shop and get it looked at. Cabelas won't know what do with it if there is something wrong with it. When the Iceman first came out people at Cabelas were saying that a 70 lb Iceman could go down to 40 lbs. WRONG! Don't think I'd trust them if I were you.
  12. Congrats on #4. You signed up for this year's contest.
  13. He looks awesome Todd. Congrats again on a great deer.
  14. Tom2008

    New Bow

    I'm not expecting anything to go wrong with it warranty wise. I know where Ross is right now as a company. Limbs are one of the best in the industry. Bow is solid and shoots like a dream. Best bow I've shot so far though.
  15. You probably arleady know this, but it won't ever stop. Archery became a money making machine years ago.
  16. They do make solid limb versions too.
  17. Think I've seen that some time ago. Definately something amazing though.
  18. I'm proud to say my bow has all Bowjax producst on it. That is an awesome test.
  19. The bald eagles are awesome and the deer! Looks like the ice fishing was treating you well too.
  20. LOL I guess he wanted the whole bin to himself. :D
  21. You bet they are the same! Bucks can travel a lot farther than 5 miles during the rut if they want to or at any time. That is a pretty awesome match up though. The browtines match up perfectly and the whole layout of the antler seems to be the same.