I did a little researching just now about mineral mixes and found this from QDMA. Think I'll be trying this rather than buying only 20 lbs of 30-06 for $25.00. Posted it up for others use too. Shouldn't be to hard for me to get this stuff. I only work at the local Mill's Fleet Farm.
Ingredients: Makes 200 lbs. for about $23.00
1 part Di-calcium phosphate, this is a dairy feed additive bought at feed stores.
Comes in 50lb Bags at around $11.00 you need one bag.
2 parts Trace mineral salt, the red and loos kind without the medications.
Comes in 50lb Bags at around $5.00 you need two bags.
1 part Stock salt, ice cream salt.
Comes in 50lb Bags at around $2.00 you need one bag.
-Use a 3 pound or similar size coffee can to use as your measure for each part of the mix.
-Mix all together well but not until read to use, keep ingredients separate until ready to put to use.
-Dig or tear up a circle in the soil about 36 inches wide and about 6 inches deep.
-Mix your mineral mixture with the soil.
-Replenish in 6 months with fresh supply of mineral, and then each year there after.