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Everything posted by arrow32

  1. Been sick here the last couple days. Hope to be out hunting tomorrow night tho. Final in the morning.
  2. arrow32

    On our way

    Best of luck! I'm heading out soon with the bow in hand for an evening hunt. Had to work to late last night to get up this morning. Gun season opens monday so this is my last time bowhunting for a week hope something comes in tonight. Good luck!
  3. arrow32

    KenW is Home!!!

    Good news. Prayers still sent.
  4. lol Gary no it was yesterday.
  5. Congrats on the bulls! Great looking animals.
  6. Yep local bow shop will have them. I got to fix my 60 yard pin. Was sitting in the tree today and noticed it was broken in half no idea how that happened.
  7. I love them and am getting one. My buddy bought one there last week and yesterday he called in a monster 8 point with it and shot it. Killed an awesome buck with some awesome product.
  8. Congrats on an awesome buck! The mount is going to look amazing.
  9. That sucks that your bow was on the ground. This past week the action has picked up for myself to this morning was kinda slow but have saw the most deer this week than any other week this season. Just not seeing the bucks I want to be seeing.
  10. I was sitting there this morning nothing much happening and this coyote comes threw about 60 yards out. I was about half a sleep to be honest had to get myself together and think what to do so I slowly grab my bow and am sitting there watching him just walk up the hill. I was thinking to myself wondering how I could possibly if anyway get him to come into me. Then I thought I'd bleat at him and see what he would do worse think that could happen is him run off and me not get a shot on him. So I bleated about 3 or 4 times he sat down on the hill side and just searched the brush below me for about 5 minutes. Then got up and walked up the hillside. Pretty cool to watch him good looking yote. Then around 15 till 10 I had a little 8pt coming down the flat towards me. He was just milling around and stayed in the brush the entire time or behind it never giving me a shot. He was by no means a monster I thought him to be maybe a 2 year old but think he was a 1.5 but I was going to take advantage of him if he gave me a shot with gun season coming in Monday. Grunted at him a few times and he didn't pay much mind to it just looked then went back to what he was doing. All in all a pretty good day. Kinda glad he didn't give me a shot because if he can make it threw gun season next year he will be pretty nice. Sorry about the long post.
  11. Not much luck. Did have a coyote come threw about 60 yards out around 8 this morning. Coudn't get a shot on him. I'm sitting there watching him thinking to myself what I could do to get him to walk threw and thought what the heck I'll bleat at him just to see what he does. He sat down and just watched down in the brush below me for about 5 minutes then gets up and walks up the hill. About 15 till 10 I had a small 8pt coming towards me down the flat thought he was going to come into the field. Not a deer I really wanted to shoot but with gun season opening Monday I was going to take advantage of him if he came in. He ended up skirting the brush and never giving any shots. I grunted at him some and he would look down into the brush but never payed much mind to it. He was around me for about 20 minutes. I have all next week off to gun hunt but Wensday night so I'll be out every day and there will be some form of meet on the ground buck or doe so I'll get some points on the board. Sorry about the long post.
  12. I'm pretty luck got mom and dad paying for it so I went local to keep it down even more so I don't have to get loans if I don't have to:D I can get my degree here anyway. I did pay for most my books tho but no big deal had the money and have it for next semester to. I still might end up going up to WVU for a couple years tho.
  13. arrow32

    Supper @ work

    Looks pretty good. Had a chicken sandwhich and some fries at work tonight.
  14. I'm headed out the door right now for a morning hunt. Hopes of seeing a big one. Good luck to ya'll!
  15. Congrats on a nice buck Randy!