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Everything posted by arrow32

  1. Congrats! I ground hunt a little but not a whole lot I'd rather be in a tree.
  2. arrow32

    Neck pain

    There last night at work I got hit on the spine by some moron messing around and now my neck/upper back is killing me. Kinda torks me off. Why the heck would you hit a guy in the back anyway.
  3. arrow32

    Up in the Air

    I know I did. I've got acid reflex so bad and I think snuff is whats doing it thats why I'm considering quitting. I was sick there a while back and didn't rub and the dang acid reflex went away.
  4. Congrats to your brother! Pics? Story?
  5. Don't feel bad I'm having the same problem. I've not saw a shooter buck all season and its getting frustrating. Could see them before season opened but not now. Maybe its turning around tho dad went down to my uncles farm where grandma grew up saw quite a few deer and a ton of sign. Plus a shooter. Don't beat yourself up stay at it. I've been beating myself up and I ain't seeing no more deer either
  6. arrow32

    Have you ever

    Tried to lay on your side and read on the computer and type? I can't seem to get a hang of it.....maybe I should go to class. :D
  7. arrow32

    Great News!!

    Going to be a great birthday!!
  8. arrow32

    Up in the Air

    Hmmm....that sounds like a good idea. I'd be saving around 20 some bucks a week. Heck tho I'm just not sure if I want to or not I love it.
  9. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a good one.
  10. Sweet! Early presents can be a good thing.
  11. He will look great on the wall!
  12. Looks like some good fishing.
  13. Dang he is a stud. I'd be sick as well.
  14. Awesome buck! Congrats to your buddy!
  15. Hope your able to bag him man!! I'll be out thursday night. Can't wait. Dad saw a good buck down on my uncle's farm today. I won't be able to make it down there until gun season next week it looks like inless I'm able to go down there Saturday. Best of luck to ya'll.
  16. arrow32

    Up in the Air

    I've tossed it around before but I'm once again thinking about quitting rubbing. Its been 2 or 3 years now since I started heck I don't even remember. I know I was when I first got my lic when I was 16. Any good tips on something any of you guys have used to quit? I'm not sure that I'm going to yet but heck big desicion I've got to make on doing it or not.
  17. Just ran across and read all this dang. Prayers sent Chris.
  18. No kidding. Its normally for me to see atleast 2 or 3 every time I drive out to the college and there always new ones and its only about a 6 or 7 mile drive.
  19. arrow32


    lol Congrats on the posts.
  20. Thats going to be awesome!! Think we are going as well. But we are taking a trip to the mountains for a week this winter skiing and crap with some people going to be a blast. I love going on trips with buds.